
New Member
hi guys
really want to take my 90 off road more ive only had it around 3 month been to parkwood (tong) a couple of times buts it only on once a month plus its £35 ! i know west yorkshire is pretty rubbish for off roading but if anyone knows of anywere i would be gratefull !

look for expeditions/tours online - Loads around peak district/north wales and a few in lake district. Good way to get out and if youve got a good memory and can rmemeber each lane then you can reuse them youself after! Still £35/40 but thats a whole day on actual greenlanes!
Id recommend Freespirit 4x4 myself - have alook on his website for avaliable dates! Well organised and honestly priced. Last time i went there were protest in the Peak district so he couldnt do his normal route so knocked 10er of the price there + then!
Rothwell Offroad is next on Sunday 13 th jan, its at oulton, Wakefield road I belive, there's a thread on it in the off roading section

Last month there was Rothwell one week, kirton the week after, tong the week after that and then Rothwell the week after that loads if you know where
hi guys
really want to take my 90 off road more ive only had it around 3 month been to parkwood (tong) a couple of times buts it only on once a month plus its £35 ! i know west yorkshire is pretty rubbish for off roading but if anyone knows of anywere i would be gratefull !


Not off-roading, but I'd have though 'Pathfinder93' might be able to find your own way about .. ;)

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