nothing's ever simple, is it! lol

thanks for the advice and links though! :D

i guess the best thing to do it just remove it and take it with me when I go to buy the replacements! We can compare while I'm there then!
for what it is worth - I always keep a couple of spares - for £15 or so, its gotta be one of the most cost effective fixes on a Disco or Defender.
I bow down to your infinite wealth of mechanical knowledge! :D

Front prop shaft UJ replaced. Vibration gone.

Must admit, though... I didn't do it myself. I did try though. The main problem was getting the bolts undone at the back end of the front prop-shaft. I did what was necessary to be able to turn it (and the wheel) round to get at the nuts, I just couldn't get the socket onto the nuts enough to grip them. Well, I did one of them, but the other three I couldn't.

It was almost as if the metal my sockets are made from is too thick... the gap between the edge of the nut and the side of the UJ was too thin to be able to get the socket onto the nut.

So after half an hour or so, I gave up! I hate giving up, but could see no other option. Took it to my local and was charged £20 labour to do the lot.

£20 arguably better spent on some tools, but I don't know that yet another socket set would have made any difference.

Oh, and tried the spanner approach and just couldn't get enough leverage.

Anyhow... job done, and you were correct about the UJ (of course!!), so thanks again! :D
ah... didn't think of that. I probably do have a 9/16 ring spanner in hindsight!

Oh well, i'll know for next time :D

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