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help me please im going insane !!!
my freelander is a xreg (2000) the hill decent warning light is constantly on although not the hill decent itself as that doesnt come on at all and now the other day whilst driving down the motorway at a good steady speed all of a sudden it felt as if i was being held back and i had to coast to the hard shoulder even though the engine was still running i sat for a moment then just drove off as usual then 4 miles later the same thing again and again getting only between 100 yards and 4 miles at a time ??????????? can anyone shed any light on the cause of this and save my mind and my beloved freelander please also can anyone tell me where to find the fuel filter on my car as i have been told this could poss be cause of this

thank john
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1.8 k series are notorious and so are the hill decent wires breaking off gear lever
The fuel filter is located in the petrol tank with the pump ,
lift up the carpets and you will see a oval inspection hatch
The pump is under the removable ring underneath, disconnect the wires ,
tap the locking ring round with a flat screwdriver and remove it lift the pump assembley out be careful not to snag the float .
The filter is easy enough to get off just watch out for the spring!
Replacements are about £27 squid.
The locking ring is a bitch to put back on though and two pairs of hands might be a idea ,one to push it down & one to tap the ring round.
Have fun:):)
It maybe a blocked filter, mine was as black as a black thing on a black day.
I only changed it because my baby runs on LPG (Oh the laughter) and because the petrol usage is minimal the filter and injectors needed a good flush (Red X rules), when on petrol she developed a mid range missfire but when on gas she runs perfectly.
A tank of fresh petrol and Red X and jobs a good un:)
Just a thought the vent in the filler cap maybe blocked causing a vacuum stoping the petrol flow
when you slow down the demand for petrol lessens and the pressure in the tank returns to normal and away you go.
I have had this on a bike once if it dose it again try taking the cap off you may hear an inrush of air as you do.
I would check this first as a cheap fix:)
I have just had the same problem with mine and it turned out to be the fuel filter inside the fuel pump, I removed it, srtipped it down and gave it a good clean with fresh petrol and popped it back in and hey presto, good as gold again. :D
that sounds simple enough all i have to do is locate the fuel pump !!!!
as you can tell im a driver not a mechanic !!!!!!!!
If you lift up the rear passenger seats it is underneath the drivers side one, there is a circular plate held dowm with five/six screws. Undo the screws and lift off the plate and the fuel pump in located underneath.
thanks for the tip mrfulwell sounds too easy to be true will i need new washers or anything or just reuse every thing as is just clean before refitting ?
You have to be carful when taking the ring off that clamps the fuel pump down, there is a proper landrover tool to do it with but its expensive and most just use a hammer and flat head screwdriver, tap gently at first and try not to shear it! when the ring is loose remove it and then jiggle the pump free. It's a long spherical shape and has a float attached to the end so dont yank it out or you will damage the float. i used this guide when i did it......


Be prepared to mop up fuel so no smoking cigars while your doing it! Good luck!
1.8 k series are notorious and so are the hill decent wires breaking off gear lever

Hi guys, I have the misfortune of owning a 1.8K series. Head gasket went so had it done but now when started it will not rev up from tickover goes to stall but if you get it past the first 500 to 100 revs in goes fine. Changed all leads cap and arm plus new plugs even change throttle sensor but still no luck....
Does anyone have any idea what the problem is....H.E.L.P
help me please im going insane !!!
my freelander is a xreg (2000) the hill decent warning light is constantly on although not the hill decent itself as that doesnt come on at all and now the other day whilst driving down the motorway at a good steady speed all of a sudden it felt as if i was being held back and i had to coast to the hard shoulder even though the engine was still running i sat for a moment then just drove off as usual then 4 miles later the same thing again and again getting only between 100 yards and 4 miles at a time ??????????? can anyone shed any light on the cause of this and save my mind and my beloved freelander please also can anyone tell me where to find the fuel filter on my car as i have been told this could poss be cause of this

thank john
Hi, its in the fuel tank... lift rear seats pull back carpet and you will see a round panel about 8 screws I think... take en out and you will see the fuel pipe going into it. remove pipe have clothe for blowback .. remove wiring and the press the outer ring and twist and it lifts out but be carefull of the filler level. it comes apart easy but you may need three hands to get it back in..that ring is a bunger....have fun took me 8 mins to do and 20 to get ring back on.....
fuel filter now all clean thanks to all those who offered advice hardest part was replacing the locking ring .
all i need to do now is to get the hill descent hazard light sorted and as to why the actual hill decent light itself dont actually seam to work ? any ideas greatfully recieved !!!!!!!!!1

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