by the way, not sure if anyone read the thread on the other forum, after it has been pointed out here that they might not be in a right of way place.. but it looks like no one in the area is concerned about where they are as they are in a disused quarry?

here's a quote from the other forum

Thanks guys very useful. nice to see we stick together. i was recommended Trefil quarry by this forum. we have straps and recovery points... we turn one car back and it is almost out. mine got stuck as i tried to help a fellow friend... the farmers seemed unperturbed we were there and happy to watch them and have offered good advice so far.

better on disused quarry than on farmers fields ripping them up. we were out of the way and ideed chat to the police when there.
i will come rescue you......... it'll cost tho........ £30,000 for dozer purchase, £3000 for fuel to get there, £600 for misc recovery equipment, and cause i'm nice like i'll let yer have me time fer free
hope you got an eye on you motors very ruff there probley stript got my quad stuck there took ages to drag and lift out hope you recover them soon as the local call it bandit country
hope you got an eye on you motors very ruff there probley stript got my quad stuck there took ages to drag and lift out hope you recover them soon as the local call it bandit country

:wtf: You support them? I'd be delighted if they get stripped or burnt.
Hmm having read this and half the fred on Difflock, all I can say is
EPIC FAIL!!!!!!!

I suggest you buy pedally-bikes and stay with your mummies in future, AND STOP SCREWING UP OFF-ROADING FOR THE REST OF US, YOU FOOKIN' TW^TS!!
Last night at silly o'clock we managed to recover all three vehicles using airjacks and land winches.
We apologies to the 4x4 community and thanks those that offered help and good luck. It goes without saying lesson learned.
Last night at silly o'clock we managed to recover all three vehicles using airjacks and land winches.
We apologies to the 4x4 community and thanks those that offered help and good luck. It goes without saying lesson learned.

Fair comments, glad you got them out and hopefully the lesson really is learned .. ;)
It goes without saying lesson learned.

Speaking as a 'learning proffessional', it doesn't go without saying.

The lesson isn't learned until you DO say it, so go on....what did you learn exactly??

Oh and please post the pics so we can all learn from the situation.

Sorry, did I say learn from, I meant LAUGH AT :D

True that they were in the wrong, but one thing is not wanting to help, other is wishing others the worst..
getting their cars burnt?stolen?

don’t think you'd be happy if your landy is stolen
It is good news that the cars have been recovered.

The lessons learnt should be to go prepared, know what you're doing, assess each situation before diving in head long and not drive on land that is not a public right of way unless you've got permission. If you choose to ignore these points and get stuck then the final bit of advice is not to come on sites like this and admit you have been a prat, as everyone will laugh at you.

The 4x4 world has got bad press as the environmentally unfriendly, land trashing bunch of hooligans as it is. Lets not feed them the ammunition they need to prove their arguement.

BTW, on the subject of the guy 'recovering' the Defender with the Disco. I watch some of his other stuff on Youtube last night, incuding his response to some of the comments that others had made. The following words come to mind to describe this individual. "Full of himself", "I am a god", "All attention on me please", "I will destroy this Disco to prove how clever I am", "I am stupid because I don't even recognise how dangerous I am", "I am also stupid because although there is obvious damage to the Disco as a result of the abuse I've just given it, not to mention the damage we can't see, I have stupidly forgotten that the forces that did this damage were totally directed through the Defender as well". He also comments that he has hundreds of pounds of recovery kit, but didn't bring it with him so he had no choice but to do what he did. I supect he is talking bollocks and wouldn't know what to do with said kit if he really did have it. The following complements also come to mind about him. "Cock", "Tw@t", "**** for Brains", "****ing delinquent knob cheese". If there was anyone more deserving of a Darwin Award its him, so long as he doesn't take anyone else with him. If you're reading this mate then I think you get the message.....
awwww,i missed this post - and i was over that way on a service call most of this week :( i could of done with some light humour :D
Wish I was closer, so I could help get ya vehicles out.....then I could take my Defender on the course and show you how it's done!
Wish I was closer, so I could help get ya vehicles out.....then I could take my Defender on the course and show you how it's done!

If you are one of the few that are trying to kill our sport... restrict our access to greenlanes... trying to play on private ground without permission...then I hoppe your vehicle is crushed. people work hard to keep ROW open to all; and people like this make it more difficult for us.

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