I'm confident that nobody would have posted a derogatory remark about your apparent failure to check the dipstick, had they been aware of your health issues beforehand.

I hope your treatment has a successful outcome, with minimal personal distress.
Very true, I am suitably chastened :(
I'm confident that nobody would have posted a derogatory remark about your apparent failure to check the dipstick, had they been aware of your health issues beforehand.

I hope your treatment has a successful outcome, with minimal personal distress.
Thank you, I try not to bang on about being so ill because it tends to bring people down, it is my own battle and so far it appears to be going fairly well....initially I was told that I would be lucky to survive 12-18 months and that was two years ago, it is one of those things where if you don't fight you will go down the tubes rapidly, I am incredibly fortunate to live within 2 miles of the three best cancer hospitals in London and probably the UK and have an incredible team of people who look after me. The treatments are invasive and you feel as if you have had the crap beaten out of you after each treatment, but I'll take that all day long if it means still being here!
I am not upset by being called a dipstick....I've been called a lot worse.
Thank you to everyone for the help you give on keeping our old girl on the road (she is like a latter day Northern Comedian, smokes a bit first thing in the morning and drinks like a fish!) AND the positive encouragment that you have sent my way regarding my illness!
Thank you, I try not to bang on about being so ill because it tends to bring people down, it is my own battle and so far it appears to be going fairly well....initially I was told that I would be lucky to survive 12-18 months and that was two years ago, it is one of those things where if you don't fight you will go down the tubes rapidly, I am incredibly fortunate to live within 2 miles of the three best cancer hospitals in London and probably the UK and have an incredible team of people who look after me. The treatments are invasive and you feel as if you have had the crap beaten out of you after each treatment, but I'll take that all day long if it means still being here!
I am not upset by being called a dipstick....I've been called a lot worse.
Thank you to everyone for the help you give on keeping our old girl on the road (she is like a latter day Northern Comedian, smokes a bit first thing in the morning and drinks like a fish!) AND the positive encouragment that you have sent my way regarding my illness!
Totally with you my friend . I have stage 3 colon cancer but can't have chemo because of heart problems. But don't go on about it and try and be my usual dipstick self, if you get my drift;);):vb-banana:
All the best with your treatmentšŸ˜€šŸ‘
Totally with you my friend . I have stage 3 colon cancer but can't have chemo because of heart problems. But don't go on about it and try and be my usual dipstick self, if you get my drift;);):vb-banana:
All the best with your treatmentšŸ˜€šŸ‘
I hope your treatment is successful and not too invasive, after all there is undoubtedly a 'big old' four wheel drive that needs you and your money fit and healthy in order to keep it in the style to which it is accustomed! All the best with yours
So the new oil pressure sensor arrived today and of course there hasn't been hyde nor hair of ther 'phantom' red light or warning message! I will probably still go ahead and change it AND the oil filter but will probably wait until I have completed this week's hospital session (I have to attend every three weeks) I always feel good the day after because I am pumped full of drugs including some dextamethasone which is extraordinarily like the old 'dexxies' we used to eat when I was a nipper! Make you feel great for a little while, but not so good after that! Weather is also not condusive for 'tinkering' at the moment.
Have a look at the wire, while you change it and make sure it's still insulated near the plug - the insulation can go brittle and if it touches a grounded item it could trigger the light too.
The m 57 v6 /is that the one that breaks cranks :eek:
changing oil pressure could be shells turning on the bottom end ,hope im wrong :rolleyes:..
Firstly we are going to change the sensor and THOROUGHLY inspect the wiring, then change the oil filter because it looks as if the holder wasn't put back on entirely 'straight' by this numpty! There is a bit of 'oilage' around it that didn't used to be there before, then if that hasn't sorted the issue we will move on to oil pump and rings etc, hopefully it is either the sensor or the filter, fingers crossed!
Iā€™m guessing sensor, had a x5 with same
M57 and over my ownership it popped up twice, oil was fine, after second time I changed sensor and it was fine after.
RESULT!!! Changed the sensor....Happy days, ALL GOOD! Thank F**K for that! I knew it couldn't be low oil pressure, engine was pulling like a train, NO smoke, no oil leaks, nadda!
Ā£32.73 including the sensor, a 24mm 1/2in Impact hi torq Deep Socket and the ludicrously priced 1 litre of oil I panic purchased while out and about (eye watering Ā£21.00)
Phew, thanks everyone for all your advice and good wishes, a POSITIVE outcome, how refreshing! All the best to everyone and have an 'appy Christmas.
Did check the dipstick initially but had just come out of a 3 hour chemo and immuno session which can mess with your head a bit, they call it chemo brain! It was short of oil the 1st time, not much, just around a litre, but today was a 'panic' event....must be the sensor, will order a new one and suck out the extra litre i put in today.
Good luck with your treatment. My mate is just getting over bowel cancer.
RESULT!!! Changed the sensor....Happy days, ALL GOOD! Thank F**K for that! I knew it couldn't be low oil pressure, engine was pulling like a train, NO smoke, no oil leaks, nadda!
Ā£32.73 including the sensor, a 24mm 1/2in Impact hi torq Deep Socket and the ludicrously priced 1 litre of oil I panic purchased while out and about (eye watering Ā£21.00)
Phew, thanks everyone for all your advice and good wishes, a POSITIVE outcome, how refreshing! All the best to everyone and have an 'appy Christmas.
Modern cars are great and all that, but you can't beat a good old fashioned pressure guage!

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