I of my friends have hidden a old phone wire to charger and put a pay as you go card in and set it to meeting ( no ring tone ). If his goes walk about he can give the police the number so it can be track throw the phone. If the car tracker is turned off this is a back up.
I hope this may help and let you sleep better.

PaG sims can expire - also using a phone with GPS and a "find my phone" app would be a lot faster and accurate than relying on triangulation through the GSM networks.

My disco has an airbag in the steering wheel, not difficult to wire that into the ignition with a hidden kill switch....

Until that one time you jump in and forget about the kill switch in a rush. Any damaging related mods with kill switches are just a hazard waiting to happen. Preventative starting kill switches make sense (fuel lines, battery, second immobiliser, etc.) - but not any which could hurt you or your landy.
My friend thought his house was safe because of their dogs.
Thieves broke in and threw darts at the dogs, causing fortunately minor injuries, but it made the dogs retreat to their beds.
Then they robbed the house.
These thieves have no morals, they are filth and scum.
Unfortunately they do nick Freelanders as posted in this section.

Surely they are insurance jobs after the owner has realised their mistake in buying one. They make great boat anchors or so im told ;)

on a serious note I d8dnt realise freelanders were easily stolen as we thought about chopping in the wife's D3 disco for a freelander 2
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I was going to wire mine up and was told by a Police Officer that it would be illegal.
My response was so is car theft and the people who do this are often repeat offenders at least this way we can catch them
Surely they are insurance jobs after the owner has realised their mistake in buying one. They make great boat anchors or so im told ;)

on a serious note I d8dnt realise freelanders were easily stolen as we thought about chopping in the wife's D3 disco for a freelander 2
All Freelanders have factory fit immobiliser and alarms. Not as easy to nick as a tratter but still nickable if yer try hard enough. :(
Hi thank for help. But ( owner has realised their mistake in buying one. They make great boat anchors or so im told ) Have you not hear of the anfib land rover that then swims back to you?
guys you can buy a very small gps tracker for 45 quid built in battery and motion sensor if it moves it sends you a txt you can then track.it real time on google maps hide it out of the way. iv got them on all my bikes.
guys you can buy a very small gps tracker for 45 quid built in battery and motion sensor if it moves it sends you a txt you can then track.it real time on google maps hide it out of the way. iv got them on all my bikes.
I've been looking at these type things. But wasn't sure if the Chinese crap ones were worth it.

Also the ones I've seen are wired rather than battery, and I've no idea what I'm doing with electrics to wire it.

How long does your battery last?
guys you can buy a very small gps tracker for 45 quid built in battery and motion sensor if it moves it sends you a txt you can then track.it real time on google maps hide it out of the way. iv got them on all my bikes.
streetwise do one,i paid £23 for one with a lebara sim card,i set it up in an old phone and bolted it to the battery,just send it a code with a text,and within seconds receive google maps with a position and long/latitude.
il sort out exact details n post a link. maplins sell them they take a sim card i put my old pay as you go in it cos texts are free


10 quid
Thank you
This is the thing. Where you get it from is up to you but now we all know? It way just save you from the hell I going though to get it put right and knot written off !!!!!!!!!!
Keep up the work comrade's or there going to put us all in a higher bracket( wow more £ for a free state ).
Looking at the web it seems too easy to buy gsm/gps blockers so tracker sellers have moved to using vhf instead.

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