
New Member
Hi, new to this so forgive if I've looked over a similar post.

So recently acquired an ex mod 90 with a 300tfi fitted as a bit of a project body and chassis is great, Just a none start guy said it was an earth fault as on trying to start very lazy. He had the starter off when I got there so I couldn't here it but not to worry the guy seemed fairly honest and I think he has been in all fairness. Obviously I turned it a bit at the flywheel just to make sure it was turning seemed fine. Happy days.

A coulple of days just looking through the wiring trying to make sense as it's a bit of a mess be hind the dash messy stop start barely tapped in so got the ignition wiring sort of sorted enough to get her turning. Tested the starter seemed fine stuck the it on. big battery for a jump, been sitting a couple months flat af. Try to crack and it barley moved kept the key on would turn a little but Hardly trying to smoke ( manifolds off) getting fuel what ever nut on the starter getting hot like earthing badly and struggling, so I'm thinking okay starters us or earth is bad some where gone right through the earths everthing is okay so starter off test it again can't fault it. Back on try again. Same think der der der.....I think no way has it hydrauliced surely would be chucking something out the ports and wouldn't move at all?

Forget the head scratching, head off last night, head gasket seemed okay tiny little blow but nothing really. No water in the boreseverythign seemed fine bottom end. Looked at the valves it looked like half the valve stem seals had been thrown up off from where they seat, can't seem to read anything about this? But looking the the valves they all looked okay except for on that looked like it had been passing a minimal amount off oil nothing to cause trouble.. so what the hell all that's gonna happen is I have a mess so get the mrs to crank her over while I'm watching and I couldn't believe it but away she when Turning no problem at all fuel coming up belts turning.. only a second or two no worries! So I'm thinking wtf double check push rods all seeming okay.

Springs off valves out all coming out no problem Till I get too e2 and e3 the two centre valves all the others come out no trouble but these two wouldn't move had to persuade them out gently, so obviously here is my starting fault. Great earth trouble......haven't got round to heavy inspection yet need to take to work to clean but the rocker arm seems okay and I haven't had a chance to check out the cam or piston hight yet fingers crossed that the valves is where it starts and ends but as I'm writing this I'm getting the lurking feeling that I'm overly optimistic there.

Really my question is the head, over haul new guides seats valves etc or new head used reckoned genuine or what? And recommendations appreciated and has this been hesrd of before and what could the cause be the valve seals coming up? Surely the oils running down if it had would lubricate and cause some blue smoke etc not cause the pm to seize? Thanks for and help
I can barely make any sense of that but I'm not sure sticking exhaust valves will be the cause of the starter not turning the engine over.

Start with the obvious ... Sort the sticking valves, whether you replace the guides or whatever, but a sticky valve probably shouldn't stop it starting, it'd not run well, but it should run!

Somehow the starter, if it works off the vehicle and doesn't work on has an issue, probably connections, especially if it's getting hot. I'd probably just replace as many earth points as I can, or use long leads to power and earth direct to battery ... be careful though .. :)
tight valves are generally bent valves from a cam belt issue,or if its just when the end of valve reaches the guide its mushrooming of valve stem by rocker, common if valve caps arent used
X1 replace the starter (and get a new battery). Your symptoms could be a tired starter motor.
Sorry so my story telling isn't great, the motor cranks with out the head on, no signs of any valves touching pistons?
Push rods and valves all seem straight? Still a starting or earth fault? Just enough power to turn when there is no compression?

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