I was thinking about tiga's post regarding the non gen Lift Pump and now yours l3on. i think it's worth another try will order one tomorrow and get a gen part and give it a go.

thanks to all that have given me the help.
Have a check that you've got the diesel fittings all nice and tight - air in the system will drop the power off
If you want to make sure the problem is in the fuel system delivery run a pipe from a can straight to lift pump bypassing all delivery pipes. It's possible you have a cracked pick up pipe. Does this problem occur when you have about the same amount of fuel in the tank? As the fuel slops about it might be drawing in air at a certain fuel level. keep me posted . If you bypass all the pipes you will eliminate all the filters, sedimentary pipes etc. just get a length of screen wash pipe make up an input to the lift pump and take it straight from the can. Good luck.
I did check all the pipes when doing the tank and the sediment filter, i got a new lift pump this morning but they had to order the gasket! so if weather ok will fit it tomorrow, there does seem more resistance on the leaver then the other pump even before its fitted?

while fitting the tank did notice something a little strange with the sender unit so have ordered that as well and a new length of pipe from sediment filter to lift pump but wont get them until Thursday.
thanks Noble for your post but i don't get any problems on tick over and it sometime does not happen for days ?
the reason i think its fuel as the car does not cut out and when dropping down the gears as the car slows the power then cuts back in as if blockage or lack of fuel for that time while driving!! or as others said drawing in air.
so lift pump going on tomorrow. The sender unit and new fuel pipe Thursday we will see that happens, as Monday we are driving down to yorkshire on holiday for the week.

I think Ormus may have a point. You didn't say what the inside of the old tank was like. If the sedimenter was full of crap it has come from somewhere. You never know, there are enough tree hugging dickheads about there's bound to be a few who'd f**k with your fuel.

Also, now that you have run it since the sedimenter was cleaned are you seeing any build up in it again?

Hope you get it fixed before you run out of patience or money.

Hi Wolfie ,I'm new to the forum and have been reading your tale of woe and I'm just wondering if your problem could be caused by the 'spider ' - a junction box behind the dashboard which I think has about 8 wires going into it which in turn control inj pump solenoid , immobiliser etc.(hence the name)
The box can , and often does , suffer from a broken solder joint which can cause intermittent failure such as you are having.
The problem has become so common that LR have produced a bypass - a simple wiring harness - which takes the spider and its problems out of the circuit altogether.
The part no. is AMR 4956 and its cheap - about 10 euro here in Ireland .
Getting to the spider involves a bit of dismantling and is described on the Difflock site in great detail - if you can find the post . Good luck -keep us posted.
Hi Dave thanks for your post, to be honest i don't think it is been caused by a tree hugger, the sedimenter should have been cleaned in January as part of a service by land rover and i thought it was, when i tried to check it for dirt which would have give me a indication it was dirt in the tank.
the tap on the bottom of it snapped off with just using my fingers so i had to get a new one, this is why i changed it at the same time as the tank.
the only dirt i found was in the sedimenter the tank seemed clean.
Going to land rover this morning to collect the gasket for the lift pump hope to get it on today, haven't checked if any more dirt in sedimenter will do today.
dooroy thank you for the info i did not know about this and will look into it and if the items i have ordered don't cure it i will give it a go. but will be after holiday!!
wolfie said:
I have a disco 300TDI N reg 1996

I have had it now for about 5 months and I have spent loads of money trying to cure a intermittent problem I have had.

While driving normally accelerating in 3,4,5 gear the car loses power, it can be while accelerating or driving along at 70, the car does not cut out and no lights come on, it is just as if the fuel is cut off.
Taking my foot off the accelerator while still driving and after a few seconds all is okay again, sometimes having to drop down the gears due to loss of power, but then all is okay again.

Problem is it’s intermittent sometimes not happening for weeks!!

Items replaced: battery, tappets checked, Engine oil changed + filter, Fuel cap, new fuel filter, cleaned sediment bowl, new fuel cut off solenoid, new lift pump, new fuel injector rails, new fuel injectors, air filter.

Some of the above have been done at land rover dealer and some myself.

I have listed everything that has been done to try and cure the problem, but left with i.e. dirty fuel tank? Flooding don’t know what else to try so if there is anything you guys could suggest I would appreciate it, driving along at 70 on the motorway then having to do a crawl at 20 with my daughter in the car on a motorway is not fun.

It has cost about £1000 in garage charges and parts and have not got much money left and don’t want to part with it but might have to if costs get much higher!

Just had another look under the engine on the last injector you have a return, which I think returns fuel back to the tank, running next to this is a plastic pipe, which is not connected to anything! Can’t find where it’s supposed to go but it follows the same route as the pipe going to the fuel tank?

Any help would be welcomed
cheers Marc
buy a freelander mate. . .:D
slob said:
i had similar on a turbo car..would run all day with no load. but when accelerating it would just die.after going throught evrything i could thing of, i bite the bullet and took the tank off and found it full of crap. the pick up pipe was blocking and couldn't allow enough fuel through when under load. got some stuff from eastwoods and clean the tank out,recoated the inside and its been fine ever since.
i know its not exactly the same but it sounds like you might have the same problem
Hi wolfie, I'm another newbie to this forum, I'm thinking along the same line as dooroy in that I think its the "fly by wire" throttle control, in '95/'96
disco's went from throttle cable to a potentiometer under the accelerator pedal which can get dirt on the carbon track which would explain the engine not stopping, just going back to idle, then when the pedal gets moved it shifts the dirt and youre back in business, it's got to be worth a look
thanks terry will have a look at that as well, should i say it but all seems okay at the moment!!! new lift pump on and yes the bend on the leaver was slightly longer on the gen part !! also on the old lift pump you are able to remove a screw at the top and when you lift the cap of it had a filter which had a little bit dirt in it.
i also checked the sedimenter again and it was clean, so now new pump on, picked up the fuel pipe and sender unit today so this will be replaced.
and fingers crossed away on holiday Monday for a week in the discovery.
off to look in the books and check out Terry's post, thanks you all for all your help.
ps freelander no thanks if the car did have to go it would be replaced with another discovery.
Careful Wolfie, Ming will think that someone likes him. Nobody's been that polite to him in weeks ;-)

Hope the problem has gone for good.
I had pretty much the same thing happen to my old 1984 Suzuki SJ410 Long Box and it turned out to be crap in the fuel tank; I had to drop the tank and clean it out completely. Re-coat as other member (Slob) suggested is the right way to go if you drop the tank. It turned out that the rusty crap that lodged itself in my gas tank actually came from a **** poor Esso gas (petrol) station - which was eventually closed down because its main tanks were rusting out. But once you get somebody else's rust in your tank the only way out is to drop that tank and clean it thoroughly.

In the old days, when fuel pumps were up with the engine - one would suspect vapor lock - given the facts that you are describing; but the modern fuel pump in the tank eliminates that issue - so I am betting its your tank.
I know the guys before me know more about these things but my problem was almost identicalto yours on my old disco, it was the FUEL INJECTION PUMP, I HAD GONE DOWN THE SAME ROUTE AS YOU i got a recon pump fitted plus Cambelt about 12 months ago and it cost about £700 in total but ran Spot on. I was lucky to find a gem of a mechanic who can spot these things from 20yds!!!!! Good Luck:) '
you didnt say how many miles you had, my mechanic ran the car for about 2 hours USING A DIFFERANT FUEL TANK and trhe problem stayed so he said it must be pump.
Try taking the fuel stop solenoid out, remove the plunger and check that the rubber cap on the end is secure if it is remove the plunger all together and reasemble, it is possible the solenoid is faulty not keeping the plunger lifted of its seat. As you you say it ticks over OK so it may be holding it up just enough to let fuel through. Remember leaving the plunger out will mean having to stall the engiine to stop but will at least eliminate something else with no cost.

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