
Well-Known Member
Trying to drop my gearbox but one of the 4 bolts which hold the TC to drive plate has rounded off (accessed through starter motor aperture in flywheel casing). Have tried everything I can think of, variety of sockets, irwin bolt gripper, heating up with blow torch. Can't really get access to try to drill out so am wondering what will happen if I undo all the bellhousing bolts and lower the gearbox with this still attached - would it damage the flywheel? If it would only break the TC shouldn't be an issue as can just make sure I get a replacement one with the box.
Help much appreciated, thanks in advance
It will stay on the plate as the shaft will just slide out. Machine Mart do a bolt extractor kit, I can't post a link as I'm posting from my phone. You won't need another TC, unless you've had it stuck and reving the arse off it.
Great, so I can drop the box with TC remaining attached to the plate? Have tried the bolt extractors which gave a lot of torque on the bolt but it still wouldn't budge before the cutters on the extractor completely rounded the head off. The other 3 bolts were ridiculously tight don't know who the hell did 'em up but would like to give him a slap!!
Great, so I can drop the box with TC remaining attached to the plate? Have tried the bolt extractors which gave a lot of torque on the bolt but it still wouldn't budge before the cutters on the extractor completely rounded the head off. The other 3 bolts were ridiculously tight don't know who the hell did 'em up but would like to give him a slap!!

They are fitted with thread-lock, mine were tight but came undone. I did how-ever remove my TC after I'd taken the gear-box off.
I got the box off!!
Fookin heavy to do on your own with no hoist!

The problem now is I dropped one of the TC to drive plate bolts which is now stuck behind the flywheel in bottom of the casing.
I guess I need to remove the TC to get this out (and also change the rear crank seal) which means I somehow need to remove the rounded off bolt..

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