They specifically state that the chassis /monocoque can be replaced , stamping the "original "VIN on is rather pointless , as it will be easily checked to not being stamped by the original vehicle manufacturer so will prove as much as having the vehicle log book with the VIN on . The police will be checking parts to see if any can be traced to known stolen components , I doubt very much if they will be into the "originality" for the vehicle points based system as it basically not in their remit , that would be for a DFT agency . As with all gov departments they are all undermanned so nothing happens very fast , especially when you are on the outside waiting . :(
How about this for a scenario? You get pulled, police suspect your vehicle is constructed from stolen parts. They inform you that they are seizing your vehicle to carry out further inspections to which you respond by saying 'this is my vehicle, I stand by it and if you are implying that I am in any way a criminal then I demand that you place me under arrest right this minute so that I can be represented immediately by my legal representative who shall happily discuss the facts at the station, and upon establishing both the innocence of myself and my vehicle, will promptly file a report against you to the IPCC'. I know they're only doing their job and we all want to protect our landy's but if the police are understaffed they should be tackling one thing at a time, not taking someone's pride and joy and leaving it to rot until they can be arsed.
How about this for a scenario? You get pulled, police suspect your vehicle is constructed from stolen parts. They inform you that they are seizing your vehicle to carry out further inspections to which you respond by saying 'this is my vehicle, I stand by it and if you are implying that I am in any way a criminal then I demand that you place me under arrest right this minute so that I can be represented immediately by my legal representative who shall happily discuss the facts at the station, and upon establishing both the innocence of myself and my vehicle, will promptly file a report against you to the IPCC'. I know they're only doing their job and we all want to protect our landy's but if the police are understaffed they should be tackling one thing at a time, not taking someone's pride and joy and leaving it to rot until they can be arsed.

It's a judgement call.

If there are a load of landy thefts in the area and a copper sees something that looks odd and a bit dodgy to them, then they pull it in. Fair enough imo.

The process dealing with it afterwards should be a bit clearer and have a set timeframe imo.
Couldn't agree more. I was in a similar situation when I was younger, had a moped (aprilia rally) that had seen better days. Was pushing it along the pavement with a couple of mates and got stopped by the police, they couldn't deal with us there and then because they had somebody in the back of the car. Our ped looked suspicious do they were right to stop us, they asked where it was kept when not in use and my mates obviously said my house, gave them the address, a few days later a policeman turned up, in a meastro van as it happens, checked it over for theft, it wasn't, happy days.
Ok if I've got this right from what some of you guys are saying, let's just say I had a 1994 county 110 300tdi.
Over the years I replaced all the doors with series ones, put a second hand refurbished bulkhead on it, replaced the rear tub and c pillars and fitted a later suffix gearbox I would have to get it inspected?

How many land rovers are riding around with original doors chassis and bulkheads out there not to mention tdi v8 and 5 speed conversions?
I wish you all the luck getting it back it must be guttering to be in your situation.
No, you'd need to do nothing and you'd all be legal and dandy. The op's raging problem is an unstamped chassis that may or may not have had an identity before, which has caused the suspicion, compounded by it being all shiny and a different engine type to the original too. Chuck in parts from a write off and others of unverifiable origin and it all goes murky. Apologies if I've got couple of details wrong there.
Ok if I've got this right from what some of you guys are saying, let's just say I had a 1994 county 110 300tdi.
Over the years I replaced all the doors with series ones, put a second hand refurbished bulkhead on it, replaced the rear tub and c pillars and fitted a later suffix gearbox I would have to get it inspected?

How many land rovers are riding around with original doors chassis and bulkheads out there not to mention tdi v8 and 5 speed conversions?
I wish you all the luck getting it back it must be guttering to be in your situation.
no you would add up the points and if you don't have enough then you *should* get it looked at
There's no need to get hung up on the points thing, they're a guide to the originality of the vehicle at a design and construction level. If you buy replacement axles that are like for like replacements then you've lost no 'points'. Likewise, a replacement new chassis loses you no points either, it's just a parts replacement. Changing engine and box type, or suspension design, chassis/monocoque mods are what costs points.
read this, example--so changing the engine in a 90 to a 300tdi, changing the bonnet to a puma, upgrades etc, new style front etc
then a new chassis, the cari s a mongrol, so what age or what is it? how if an insurance claim was needed if it was involved in a terrible accident, how would they rate it, probably wouldn't pay out, so alot of this forum's members cars are mdified, who has told the insurance of every mod? because if they can get out of paying they will no doubt!
getting back to the op's, if he's got reciepts, photo's etc it might end up proving it is his legally, But what is the vehicle???
88, 99 plate, etc<

good luck,
insurance and mots have nothing to do with vehicle ids.

the id is tied to the chassis as most cars are monocoque.. vehicles with a separate chassis, like defenders, are a bit of a bodge to fit in the rules.

changing/modding the body and most other parts doesn't make any difference to the id

the chassis can be new, it just needs to be original spec for the vehicle.. you'll get away with it having slightly different mounts imo, but not cut 100cm short.

it's pretty clear:
insurance and mots have nothing to do with vehicle ids.

the id is tied to the chassis as most cars are monocoque.. vehicles with a separate chassis, like defenders, are a bit of a bodge to fit in the rules.

changing/modding the body and most other parts doesn't make any difference to the id

the chassis can be new, it just needs to be original spec for the vehicle.. you'll get away with it having slightly different mounts imo, but not cut 100cm short.

it's pretty clear:
so if the vehicle has not got an id! how is it insured??? it could be classed as anything

also the mot can be any car the same adorning the number plate without the chassis number!
not saying about this case, just the options
with a landrover the VIN is not just located on the chassis , there is a plate on the pedal box , or other locations , as long as the VIN corresponds to V5 , there is not really a problem , lots of vehicles dont even have the vin on the monocoque eg some renaults for a start . There are other verification details as well , but this can be where some problems are run into with landrovers that have been modded over time , so receipts are important, particularly if they end up being traced back to a vehicle that has been stolen and then broken and parts sold on .
Particularly prevalent with land rovers. If such a part is found this attracts extra scrutiny , and so the length of time increases for enquiries. Duplication of VIN on another vehicle is where big problems arise , for both vehicles.
Cannot believe I’m writing this but 3 years on and I’ve finally got back my Land Rover today! They have removed the engine and gearbox and told me I need to re register it as the f registration doesn’t relate to the vehicle? So has anyone got a 300tdi engine and r380 gearbox for sale .......
Cannot believe I’m writing this but 3 years on and I’ve finally got back my Land Rover today! They have removed the engine and gearbox and told me I need to re register it as the f registration doesn’t relate to the vehicle? So has anyone got a 300tdi engine and r380 gearbox for sale .......

Good news. Fancy posting more details on exactly what happened, what their investigation conclusion was, how you got it back etc etc. Maybe helpful for future members if they find themselves in this situation
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Good news. Fancy posting more details on exactly what happened, what there is investigation conclusion was, how you got it back etc etc. Maybe helpful for future members if they find themselves into this situation
Basically I’ve sat waiting all this time for them to say the engine and gearbox were from a stolen land rover that went missing years ago and as my chassis doesn’t have a number stamped into it then the f registration plate that was on my 90 doesn’t relate to it anymore? It’s early days I need to speak to my solicitor tomorrow to see exactly what I need to do, but I got a phone call from the storage facility saying I had to collect it today before they closed (30 mins before closing) so it was a bit of a rush to get a rec truck to pick it up but it’s back home now just need to find an engine and box and go from there
I’m glad you’ve got it back. Why did they think the engine and gearbox was from a stolen vehicle?

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