@Turboman I don’t really know what this means but there’s quite a few cracks everywhere what do I do next mate??
Looks like the valves have been hitting the piston crowns too. That would explain the bent push rod. All 4 pistons have hit their valves though. I've only rebuilt a 300Tdi though, so out of my experience. It's not looking good though.
@Turboman I don’t really know what this means but there’s quite a few cracks everywhere what do I do next mate??
Block may be salvageable. Some valves have obviously been hitting the pistons, which may also be salvageable, or not. You may have bent rods, or other damage and wear lower down.

Head is scrap, probably the valves and guides as well, can't see the rocker gear.

To be honest, I would suggest getting another engine if you can find one. 2.5TD, 2.5 NA, 2.5 petrol, 200 Tdi 0r 300 Tdi will all fit that with varying, but bearable, levels of modification.
A right bummer this kind of scenario and hard to take on the chin so early after purchase, hopefully you got a half decent deal with the view to repairs in the back of your mind , probably not to this extent though.
It's always best to get the hard blunt facts from those that have experience , it means your not going to waste time and money on a wasted effort .
Hopefully you can get an engine within your budget and when in and running , it takes the sting out of what you've just experienced.
Good luck and keep the landy faith
Where'd he go ? looking forward to an update
Probably taken it back to the seller, and got his money back, or started legal action.
I would think that has suffered a major trauma, such as a diesel runaway, snapped cambelt, or both, and the previous owner has put a new belt on, and flogged it.

OP is a bit of a mystery as well. Profile describes them as a 44 year old female. But in one post He/She/They talk about their missus putting the dinner on.
Ok, so as I said women can have missuses, as she does!
In fact, I think it more likely that OP is probably another of the many that join the forum to ask a single question, and when that question has been answered to their satisfaction, never appears again.

As to the gender confusion, I suspect either he is IT challenged, or he got his wife to open the account, and then posted the question himself.
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Well either way, we'll only know if he or she replies, and then if he/she can be bothered to tell us.
She/He is "following" me whatever that means!!
forgetting the discussion about the OP & pronouns, watching for updates:cool: (as we have a slug of a 2.5d Ninetyo_O)

Second most common noob error is buying a 19j engined Ninety

depends, if you've had sevral Landhehehe's and one day a solid 2.5d Ninety with origonal / unwelded chassis & bulkhead comes up for sale ~300 miles away & your mrs's geographically challenged so agrees to the purchase sight unseen:p

got a 200tdi going in it one day, just been awaiting the right day for about 2 years:confused:

forgetting the discussion about the OP & pronouns, watching for updates:cool: (as we have a slug of a 2.5d Ninetyo_O)

depends, if you've had sevral Landhehehe's and one day a solid 2.5d Ninety with origonal / unwelded chassis & bulkhead comes up for sale ~300 miles away & your mrs's geographically challenged so agrees to the purchase sight unseen:p

got a 200tdi going in it one day, just been awaiting the right day for about 2 years:confused:

Are there any with original unwelded chassis?
I always thought mine was one of the better ones around, and that had had a new crossmember.

His engine probably blew before he had time to find the chassis rust!
Are there any with original unwelded chassis?
I always thought mine was one of the better ones around, and that had had a new crossmember.

they are out there, the one we have was demobbed then oiled to death religiously untill we bought it:cool:

it will need hot-glue one day and I'm able to supply the fizzin:D

His engine probably blew before he had time to find the chassis rust!


Well either way, we'll only know if he or she replies, and then if he/she can be bothered to tell us.
She/He is "following" me whatever that means!!
Just noticed they are following me as well.

I don't know exactly what it means either. On the old forum, there were "Friendships". Somebody could send you a friendship request, and you could accept it if you wanted to.

Now, you can follow people, and they can follow you. All my Friends on the old forum became followers automatically when the new forum started, and I was following all of them.
Since then, a few other people have started following me, sometimes I have never spoken to them on the forum, or in real life, but I usually return the favour, because it seems more friendly, although some of them never appear on the forum again.

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