
Help needed
Hi guys and girls I'm after a lot of help please as well as a once in a lifetime experience but i don't know where to start the story in short is I'm wanting to raise money for a charity by doing something i love but on the other hand changing life's of others i started thinking about doing rust to rome but then I thought no its to easy and its not something I'm dedicated to so now I'm thinking about why not take my 90 across Europe and back again but this is where i need your help does any1 know any guides or organisation who can take us on this trip as well a raise money or can some of us all get together and make this happen and make it a trip for us all to remember
its hardly challenging though mate, some of us have to do it on a regular basis and really its not that difficult, across Europe is a very vague definition, what were you thinking of exactly?
Indeed, holding up the traffic on a French motorway isn't very challenging. Maybe have a google at Plymouth-Dakar, I done the Morocco one a few years ago. Didn't go through Mauritania and Senegal as I thought that being shot by Isis may hurt. Could look at mogul rally?
I'm assuming that you have a charity close to your heart. If not go careful. A contact of mine has worked for several charities. One paid the children of the boss huge salaries for very little effort, the other, all of the money collected went to admin and wages with nothing reaching the cause.
If you wish a warm feeling inside, have a tot of whiskey instead.
Mongol Rally or the Mongolia Charity Rally. I just did the first one, you buy a car up to 1.2L then drive it to Mongolia unaided. There were 311 teams this year so you meet some amazing people, I recommend it to anyone who feels like they need a break from normal life, even if it is out of your comfort zone. It's also a great way to raise money for charity, we are up to nearly £2000 for the Alzheimer's Society.

The Mongolia Charity Rally is different where you buy a vehicle that would be useful to a charity in Mongolia (has to be a commercial vehicle though) like a van or an ambulance, then take it to them in Mongolia.

Money aside, how much time do you have to do the trip in? Someone may correct me but I'd say part of the reason why people sponsor events is due to the nature of it being a challenge - if you are going through Europe with a guide then you may struggle to get sponsorship for the given charity?

Morocco is an easy one to start off with yet still has the 'adventure' side of it - I have been there twice and would happily go again.

The Mongol Rally is a good one if you want someone else to take care of some of the aspects of going on such a trip but after being on it once we took the decision to do all further events off our own back rather than paying a company good money to do what is within the means of most - and have raised a fair chunk for charity in the process.

Another take on it, depending on the charity you are raising for, is that you could get in touch with the charity and find out what projects/problem areas/etc you include in your trip which you could observe/take part in/learn about/etc as part of the trip to raise awareness. Getting a charity that will work with you - stickers, T-Shirts, and general promotion (some will do a press release for you) will help. But again, if it comes across as a gentle holiday drive through Europe they might not be so keen to put their efforts in.

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