
New Member
I have been searching the whole country for a part that is apparently on back order for the last 5 months and no Breakers have it either. I am hoping someone may be able to help.
The part I am looking for is known as the Air suspension harness for a Discovery TD5. It is only the plastic cylindrical tank that is behind the compressor. If anyone has done a spring conversion and may have one lying around I would be very greatful if you could let me know as 5 weeks without the vehicle is too long.
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It sounds as if you've no choice but to go for the springs but you'll need to bear the following in mind:

1. Once you've put the springs in, you'll need to tell the ECU that you don't have an air suspension any more. A nanocom or similar will do it but you'll get warnings until you do it. It will try to keep pumping up springs that aren't there if I recall what I've seen in other posts - and that compressor is pricey if it fails (although you won't need it with the springs...).

2. If you've got seats in the boot then you're probably not insured for them after the swap to springs - the rear seats aren't "type approved" for use with springs. I'd check with your insurer but don't expect them to be happy with it. If you don't have those seats then no hassles there.

Are you sure you can't get it from a breakers though? Have you tried ringing round a few? You often see breakers selling stuff on ebay but mentioning that they are breaking the whole car - it might be worth looking to see if you can find one that way.

Sorry if that's a really stupid and obvious point but you'd have thought there would be a good chance of someone having one of these!

I have eventually managed to get a second hand one :) Unfortunately now fitted the suspension pumped up but one side has maxed out on inflation while the other side was at correct height. I tried letting the air out of the over inflated side by undoing the pipe on the compressor but not evenly so still got the listing. Now the compressor wont pump.
Do you have any suggestions? (apart from the springs) I have purchased a pair as a last resort.
Hi i had quite a bit of dealing with these and in the end i replaced both air bags put them on the car and also could'nt get the compressor to fill (dont forget though all doors windows and bonnet have to be shut to allow it to run). Basically there was loads of air built up inside the compressor which must of made it think is was maxed out on pressure. Remove valves and replce (beware of the big hisssssss) then replace complete unit back onto vehicle and reconnect pipes and electrical gear and it should start to pump up providing you have shut all doors etc Hope this helps Mark
What does it do? Cant you make something to replace it? Take the old one to pieces to see whats inside it. Not a lot I'd guess.
equicar 4x4 were breaking a couple of td5's a while back, they aint the cheapest people though.
What does it do? Cant you make something to replace it? Take the old one to pieces to see whats inside it. Not a lot I'd guess.

it's a "damper" , it's there to absorb "pneumatic shocks"... to protect the elements from the back pressure made by the bags during bumpy rides... if u replace the original pipes with the same size but sylicone(more flexible) ones u dont need that "keg"

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