New Member
Hi I'm David from Surrey, happy owner of a 2001 Defender.

I need help, please...

In early October 2018 I sent my ECU and Immobiliser to Ian Baughan of IRB Developments in Solihull for testing and fixing. Ian did some great work on my Landy a few years ago.

He eventually sent a text to say he had fixed a dry joint and the ECU was on test and then... NOTHING! No response to many emails, texts and voicemails.

Can anyone tell me if IRB Developments is still in business? Is Ian OK? Can anyone suggest how I can contact him or get him to contact me?

I would really appreciate help, please

Sorry, no help, but by the title I thought this was a David Copperfield inspired thread :oops:
He seems quite difficult to contact. I searched for him online. A number of forums talk about him. I have to admit yer very trusting to send oft valuable items to someone like this. It's not difficult for him to return a call or text/email. If he still uses the same address perhaps write a polite letter with all options of contact on it to get back to you.
Thanks all for your input. I've just received an email from Ian saying that he will put the unit in the post tomorrow and that communication is worse than usual because of the recent birth of a daughter. Congratulations Ian!

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