Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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OMG....just been looking at renewal for P38 (02 plate lpg'd 4.0 HSE)

Car is in my wives name and started her own insurance last year,
she has an SP30 from 12/2007 but no ncd's so we paid just on £800

I had a small bump on xmas eve in ice and handed over insurance details..........
Now just done a renewal search and lots are coming back at approx £1500 - £13000 :eek::eek: YES ! 13k I kid you not.
I have own ins on another car so thats why we started new cover in her name, so wanting to keep it that way but need some help,

Does anyone know any good brokers or give some tips on how to negotiate with these robbing b%#@****; :confused::confused:
already been on to Lancaster house (£3200):eek::eek:
Go compare
meerkat!! etc :doh::doh::doh:
will call Adrian flux tomorrow

Oh in Merseyside area
will try Highway and Pickles tomorrow:eek:
been on phone and tinerweb since noon today (9hrs now!!!)

I do tell them about the lpg, not worth not they only worm out of any claims then :(
Sureterm direct are worth a go on a dedicated 4x4 policy. They were cool with the LPG conversion on my old disco.

They won't cover you if you say you using for biz miles though (which I did, just on offchance I needed her). Adrian Flux would cover this, so horses courses etc etc
look at nfu, also have you an older woman you can put on as named driver? that usually knocks 40% off, usually i put my mum on mine!!!

oh and choose your occupation wisely as a reverend wont pay as much as a shelf stacker!!!!
Try admiral for a multi car policy, I have one for my and escort, RR, and BMW 750 they are the mutts nuts and that's dual drivers as well!
so from what i can gather the owner/driver of a gas guzzleing p38 pimp mobile have speeding and accident claims against them/it

and then wonder why there insurance premium goes up..hhmmmmmm let me fink why
so from what i can gather the owner/driver of a gas guzzleing p38 pimp mobile have speeding and accident claims against them/it

and then wonder why there insurance premium goes up..hhmmmmmm let me fink why

No, I'm Not wondering why its gone up, I am concered by the amount its gone up. So you are telling me you would be happy if YOUR insurance goes up by average £1700.....DONT THINK YOU WOULD, I'm sure you would look around as well

As for the speeding, it's already on last policy!

Why do some people try to be sarcastic and can't just be helpful anymore, isn't that what these forums are about or am I deluded??
No, I'm Not wondering why its gone up, I am concered by the amount its gone up. So you are telling me you would be happy if YOUR insurance goes up by average £1700.....DONT THINK YOU WOULD, I'm sure you would look around as well

As for the speeding, it's already on last policy!

Why do some people try to be sarcastic and can't just be helpful anymore, isn't that what these forums are about or am I deluded??
you must be deluded if ya think your insurance wouldnt have gone up,as for how much thats what the insurance companys think your risk to insure is worth.and some seem to think your more of a risk than others.

i have a 4.2v8 rr bobtail with every poss mod on it and everything declared for me and the mrs full comp its £300 with an agreed valuation of £6k.

but then ive got no points and no accidents against me or the mrs:D
:eek::eek: thought you had to be a farmer or something like that to use NFU:eek::eek:

My experience of NFU in the Bucks. area is that the more rural you are, the cheaper the insurance. Lovely people, really friendly - are more than happy with loads of mods etc , keep you on the phone for 30 mins then wallop!, a quote that's about 30% higher than everyone else

Even living in an old farm house, surrounded by farmland on the edge of a village doesn't seem to work for me :(
Don't gloat too much landy thats when the plod always turns up with their photo's,

It's the first accident I've had in 20 years so law of averages not bad there and insurance on my other car is only £500, due this week on a MPV that only 2 yrs old, valued at £18k and they know about my bump and her sp30
thanks all for feedback, going to see what turns up tomorrow, looks like I will be looking at the multi car option, and cancel the mpv one this week

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