pmsl :D :D i think after 36yrs as an hgv mechanic i think that maybe i`ve worked that one out , you`ll also have probably noticed that im talking from experiance and not blowing smoke out my arse like that clown brookediamond , because i reckon if tw*ts could fly he`d be a squadron leader :D :D :D :D

Theres just no need for that mate.
People are gonna question comments like the ones you make on here.
thats why its a forum.

IF you dissagree then vent your opinion, But please try and leave out the personal attacks on people that are only having a bit of fun.:)
Theres just no need for that mate.
People are gonna question comments like the ones you make on here.
thats why its a forum.

IF you dissagree then vent your opinion, But please try and leave out the personal attacks on people that are only having a bit of fun.:)
if thats the case then my freind i suggest you dont start what you obviously cant finnish !!, im all for a sound and sensible debate but sometimes its very hard to have a battle of wits with an unarmed man :rolleyes: :rolleyes: .
enough said i think .
OK how about some hard data to settle things? I agree that personal attacks should be left out of the debate.
OK how about some hard data to settle things? I agree that personal attacks should be left out of the debate.
well rev maybe i was a little ott with my comments about brookediamond and if i offended him in any way then i appologise it was just my way of taking the p*ss back and i hope my appoligy is accepted :)
The challenge is which has the best pulling ability (not birds) a 4.6 V8 or a 2.5 Tdi. Not sure if you specify the BMW derived 2.5 in the DSE or the 200/300tdi or the TD5. I was suggesting that its not all about CCs and BHP but there is the torque curve which differs greatly between the two types. Anyone got any data without any profanities or personal attacks?
Once upon a time I said "I'm never gunna get a dirty orrid stinking noisy DIESEL" then for financial reasons I had to get one,then a got another with a turbo,direct injection, etc.............. I think that they are fantastic for towing,just drop the clutch with out revs to pull away or reversing with out of stalling.Having said that I had to get rid of last Audi A6 v6 tdi (180bhp) as it had no power under 1800 revs and was for ever slipping the clutch and revving the arse off it get going with a 1 ton trailer.Now got a 300tdi Disco which is top bollox for towing and returns 30+mpg all the time to boot (except when you get silly on the motorway)
Nice post but theres more to it than just horsepower. Its a fact that diesels have more torque especially low down.
Actually; that is not a FACT, that is a common misconception; check the power curves for ANY of the V8's from 120bhp carburated versions up to fuel injected 4.6's and you will find that ALL of them have more torque at ALL engines speeds than ANY of the oil burners.
Sorry I dont have the charts to hand, or available to add to the post; but in a similar thread on LRO a while back genuine LR power & torque curves along with RPI power & torque curves were found and posted to compare I think three varients of standard V8, two hi-po versions along side 300TDi & TD5, along side chipped TD5, and 'hi-torque' (is it 2.8?) 300TDi.
If you dont want to take my word for it; I'm sure that a little googling will turn them up for you to review for yourself.
There is more to engine characteristics than just BHP and CCs its a lot more complesx than that. Your ageing Rover V8 is best suited to playing on tarmac than serious 4x4 activity......
You are getting closer, but you are still somewaht widde of the mark.
Reason people believe that the oil burners have more low down torque is that they have a flatter torque curve; at tick-over, they are delivering a greater % of what they might make at peak.
% wise V8 is delivering far smaller portion of what it might at peak; but that smaller % is a damn site more than what the oil burner is giving at same revs.
As far as the actual delivery goes; completely correct; its not about the actual numbers but how its delivered.
Again though misconception that oil burners are better off road, comes down to that flat torque curve, added to a heavy fly wheel, and high reciprocating inertia.
Basically they dont rev up as easily; they are 'lazy' and unresponsive; and for a numpty on the throttle, that means that its a lot harder to apply too much power so quickly to the wheel that will break traction.
Far easier with a V8, with all that extra grunt, and the ability to loose it almost instantly to unleash it a bit sharp and break traction.
Doesn't mean that the Diesil has 'better' power delivery; just more easily managed power delivery. And that's a very different thing.
End of the day; the 'acid' test is what works, and not just what works in the minds of a driver; but in the mind of the clerke of course in an organised competition.
So; what is the engine of choice for..... Hill Rally....... that's off road, isn't it?
That's right. V8. OK, so its a speed test, they just 'blast' every where; not really appliciable is it?
Ok, lets have a look at 'extreme' challenge events; what's the preffered engine in them?
Hmmm, few diesils in the mix, but, well, look at the listings and FAR more V8's and FAR more V8's amongst the top finishers.
Ah, well that could be downb to the drivers and the winches; too many variables....
OK, so lets look at the ULTIMATE challenge of off-road ability; CCV Trials.
Slow speed; simple question how far can you get, with the traction you have.
And again; the trialers...... nearly ALL run V8's.
If V8's are so CRAP off road, explain to me, WHY competition, the REAL test of what works, doesn't support your arguments?
V8's dominate in off road sport, accross disciplines and in the most technical of them, trials.
If deseasils were; as you claim, so much 'better' then they wouldn't; they'd all be running oil burners in competition, not V8's.
ONLY comper's that elect diesils over V8's are desert racers; basically hill rally cars going a long way; and the ONLY reason that they use diesils over V8's has NOTHING to do with the power or power delivery, but the range between fuel stations on the event, and availability of and quality of available fuel.
It is PURE MYTH that Diesils have more torque, more low down torque or are 'better off road'.
They are NOT; and competition proves it.
Yet deseasil afficianado's STILL insist beyond reason or tenability on these things; and when you SHOW them the race results; you show them the power curves; they come back with; 'Ah, well, you cant wade a V8'!
No. That's why the winch boys run Rangies with water over thier bonets!
YES you CAN wade V8's if you prep them properly, and if you think you can wade a deseasil with impunity, and not come to any harm, you have obviousely never tried it or given much thought to what ELSE you have under the bonnet!
May not be 'fun' trying to dry out eight spark plug leads, but then its not much fun trying to drain half a gallon of water out of a deseasil's fuel injection system either!
Might be interesting to have a 'pull off' between a 2.5DSE and a 4.6 P38 on the same tyres, on tarmac and on a football field; wouldn't prtove very much apart from which had most motive force; and you'd still be arguing 'Well, in 'real' situations' etc'
Bottom line is; you can argue untill you are blue in the face; old paddock truismn; when the flag drops, the bull****e stops.
And competition shows that when and where it counts; whether blasting round at high speed; getting technical twixt the stix, or throwing them into the most horendouse holes to get to a punch......
The V8's work, and win. And win consistently; and THAT is a FACT you cannot argue with.
Personally I would opt for a decent SII Disco with a V8. LPGd of course.I pulled a Hi Cap LDV van off a track on the mountain where I live with a SI Disco and could quite easily have forgoten that it was there. You could get a really decent one and still have a few quid left over.
Actually; that is not a FACT, that is a common misconception; check the power curves for ANY of the V8's from 120bhp carburated versions up to fuel injected 4.6's and you will find that ALL of them have more torque at ALL engines speeds than ANY of the oil burners.
Sorry I dont have the charts to hand, or available to add to the post; but in a similar thread on LRO a while back genuine LR power & torque curves along with RPI power & torque curves were found and posted to compare I think three varients of standard V8, two hi-po versions along side 300TDi & TD5, along side chipped TD5, and 'hi-torque' (is it 2.8?) 300TDi.
If you dont want to take my word for it; I'm sure that a little googling will turn them up for you to review for yourself.

You are getting closer, but you are still somewaht widde of the mark.
Reason people believe that the oil burners have more low down torque is that they have a flatter torque curve; at tick-over, they are delivering a greater % of what they might make at peak.
% wise V8 is delivering far smaller portion of what it might at peak; but that smaller % is a damn site more than what the oil burner is giving at same revs.
As far as the actual delivery goes; completely correct; its not about the actual numbers but how its delivered.
Again though misconception that oil burners are better off road, comes down to that flat torque curve, added to a heavy fly wheel, and high reciprocating inertia.
Basically they dont rev up as easily; they are 'lazy' and unresponsive; and for a numpty on the throttle, that means that its a lot harder to apply too much power so quickly to the wheel that will break traction.
Far easier with a V8, with all that extra grunt, and the ability to loose it almost instantly to unleash it a bit sharp and break traction.
Doesn't mean that the Diesil has 'better' power delivery; just more easily managed power delivery. And that's a very different thing.
End of the day; the 'acid' test is what works, and not just what works in the minds of a driver; but in the mind of the clerke of course in an organised competition.
So; what is the engine of choice for..... Hill Rally....... that's off road, isn't it?
That's right. V8. OK, so its a speed test, they just 'blast' every where; not really appliciable is it?
Ok, lets have a look at 'extreme' challenge events; what's the preffered engine in them?
Hmmm, few diesils in the mix, but, well, look at the listings and FAR more V8's and FAR more V8's amongst the top finishers.
Ah, well that could be downb to the drivers and the winches; too many variables....
OK, so lets look at the ULTIMATE challenge of off-road ability; CCV Trials.
Slow speed; simple question how far can you get, with the traction you have.
And again; the trialers...... nearly ALL run V8's.
If V8's are so CRAP off road, explain to me, WHY competition, the REAL test of what works, doesn't support your arguments?
V8's dominate in off road sport, accross disciplines and in the most technical of them, trials.
If deseasils were; as you claim, so much 'better' then they wouldn't; they'd all be running oil burners in competition, not V8's.
ONLY comper's that elect diesils over V8's are desert racers; basically hill rally cars going a long way; and the ONLY reason that they use diesils over V8's has NOTHING to do with the power or power delivery, but the range between fuel stations on the event, and availability of and quality of available fuel.
It is PURE MYTH that Diesils have more torque, more low down torque or are 'better off road'.
They are NOT; and competition proves it.
Yet deseasil afficianado's STILL insist beyond reason or tenability on these things; and when you SHOW them the race results; you show them the power curves; they come back with; 'Ah, well, you cant wade a V8'!
No. That's why the winch boys run Rangies with water over thier bonets!
YES you CAN wade V8's if you prep them properly, and if you think you can wade a deseasil with impunity, and not come to any harm, you have obviousely never tried it or given much thought to what ELSE you have under the bonnet!
May not be 'fun' trying to dry out eight spark plug leads, but then its not much fun trying to drain half a gallon of water out of a deseasil's fuel injection system either!
Might be interesting to have a 'pull off' between a 2.5DSE and a 4.6 P38 on the same tyres, on tarmac and on a football field; wouldn't prtove very much apart from which had most motive force; and you'd still be arguing 'Well, in 'real' situations' etc'
Bottom line is; you can argue untill you are blue in the face; old paddock truismn; when the flag drops, the bull****e stops.
And competition shows that when and where it counts; whether blasting round at high speed; getting technical twixt the stix, or throwing them into the most horendouse holes to get to a punch......
The V8's work, and win. And win consistently; and THAT is a FACT you cannot argue with.

Thanks for clearing that up Teflon. The truth is I actually dont really care which pulls the best. The main reasons for choosing diesel are probably economic. 26 -32 mpg against 12-18 and better engine longevity are good enough reasons for most to choose diesel.
It's like Politics in it, dunt matter how loud you scream and stamp yeh feet other lot are never gunna agree.

Thanks for clearing that up Teflon. The truth is I actually dont really care which pulls the best. The main reasons for choosing diesel are probably economic. 26 -32 mpg against 12-18 and better engine longevity are good enough reasons for most to choose diesel.
RevJames; I'm just stunned; after propogating flame & personal insult; spouting FACTS that aren't.... you ultimately make this comment?!?!

Hey! Argument; lets get our four penneth in, eh! Lets go with the herd; repeat the 'majority opinion', becouse if enough people have the same opinion, it MUST be true, eh? Even if it ent, well, comfort in conforming, ent there?

You know, that's what the enviro-Mental-ists rely on to carry thier flawed doctrines; what the ramblers use to promote thier campagnes; what the church used in the medeivil era to exhert authority and what most dictators of the last century used to attain power.

I suggest opening your mind and closing your mouth a little more.

I am a V8 fan; but I do apreciate Deisils; but I am not blind to the faults of either.

As for Oil burners giving better 'ecconomy'.... well they give more MPG, granted; a chunk of which is not becouse of the calorific efficiency of the fuels combustion; petrol actually releases %-wise more of its energy when burned in an engine than diesil; or even the combustion efficiency.

Diesils simply give more heat from the same volume of fuel, burned under 'real' conditions, but mechanics of getting that heat to move wheels means that there is slightly increased operating efficiency, but more importantly, lower powered engine means driver cannot drive as inefficiently.

As for ecconomy; well, as was pointed out; miles per £, V8 on gas often equals or betters Deisil.

As for engine longevity; V8's will run to around 150-200 thousand miles pretty much without trouble; SOME oil burners can get to the 1/4 million mark, but then there are enough horror stories of blowers sucking sump oil through the bearings and shoving it into the manifolds making them run ungoverned until they pop; broken timing belts; mashed valves and other horrors; even at conservative mileages.

Again; 'Facts' dont support all the misconceptions and 'lore' over them.

But, if enough people repeat the same tripe...... well.... 'Every one knows.....' dont they?

No, a lot of people thinking of believing the same thing, doesn't make it tru or a fact.

Once upon a time, a LOT of people believed the world was flat; and they BURNED any-one who believed different as a heratic.........

Now, they just get 'flamed', on a forum that is supposed to be there to encourage the exchange of ideas and information, and provide 'enlightenment', so that such biggotry has less chance to exist in this world.

You dont care?

Maybe not; shame that you cared to comment though; bigger shame that you dont care to care.....

In this instance the topic is pretty fatiouse; types of engine; no particular impact on global peace; harmony or welfare.

But; It is worrying, that you in all liklihood would adopt the exact same approach to say; global warming; Al-Queda; US interferance in China...... or whatever, and blindly add your support to whatever was the majority or popular opinion, without question or qualm.
ffs frying pan.....
dunt be takin it so seriously, yull be avin a coronary.
Thanks for clearing that up Teflon. The truth is I actually dont really care which pulls the best. The main reasons for choosing diesel are probably economic. 26 -32 mpg against 12-18 and better engine longevity are good enough reasons for most to choose diesel.

Yes the MPG swayed me as well:) ......although all the V8 LPG converted owners will argue that the cost of that 12-18 mpg is halved using LPG!! (LPG conversion £1500 - £2000 LPG per litre 46.4p £2.10 p/gl 11.5-17.5 pence per mile @ 18-12 MPG) LPG is not widely available, especially in some rural areas..handy for most 4x4's! So good old petrol has to carry you to the pumps £££

And if my Diesel was converted to run Veggie it would be even cheaper than LPG per mile. (Veggie Conversion £600 veggie oil per litre @ Macro 20lt £10 (50p/lt £2.27 p/gl 7-8.7 pence per mile @ 32 - 26 MPG* )) Yes the engine oil needs to be changed more frequently and some rubber seals can be affected however.... This has only occured on vehicles that have run veggie for a long time! *Add Fuel Duty @27.1p/l if applicable...the government are looking into Biofuel producers/ production of less than 2500 litres a year, scrapping the duty...blah blah.. the exact facts not at hand!! SVO Straight Veg Oil (Rapeseed) is graded as will be exempt. Using Vegetable oil as a diesel fuel have more info on their forum.

As for what pulls better....they both pull about 3500Kgs...what does the petrol V8 MPG drop to when it's towing compared to the diesel??

Horses for courses...we can't all be the same and like the same would make for a boring world otherwise.
I have a 2.5 DSE by the way!:cool: I'm I'm not running veggie oil....yet;)
mornin glibstorm i trust you slept well and have woken with a bright outlook on life
So erm.......whats the decision, Petrol (Yeeha) or Diesel (Fuel of the Devil)?
Personally i have a V8 4.0 lpg, but have had diesels and they were brill for towing, 30+ to the gallon with caravan but to be fair if you are really bothered about cost you need a diesel for towing or a V8 lpg, a standard V8 will just drink fuel to the point of you'll start looking for leaks, trust me it's not funny.
Hope you all have a brill bank holiday, i'm off kneeboarding with the money i saved buying a V8.

Cheers, Nick.
teflon seem to know what he be on about and the diffrence between the tdis and v8s when u watch them in trails is huge and they sound cool
OK Tefal:

Wasnt aware that I propogated any flame or personal insult (except perhaps my flippant comment about your 4x4 perhaps being more suited to playing on tarmac) Any flame or personal insult I will take back and humbly apologise.

I asked for some data to support your claims. So far all I have had is opinion. Which as you know everyone has, just like armpits and yes some of them stink!

As for bringing the church into your 'debate' I'm still not sure what your beef is.

I really am baffled that you think I just follow opinion and even would condone global warming, Al queda, or any of the other things you mention. You read a few lines and make some big assumptions.

Enjpy your weekend. Im off fishing in the boat and 70HP evinrude I bought with my savings in fuel costs.

Cal down, relax, enjoy the banter and give us some positive Landrover related stuff including the data I asked for 100 posts ago and lets enjoy talking about our favourite subject Landrovers Petrol, Diesel, LPG, Battery power, whatever takes your fancy.
OK Tefal:

Wasnt aware that I propogated any flame or personal insult (except perhaps my flippant comment about your 4x4 perhaps being more suited to playing on tarmac) Any flame or personal insult I will take back and humbly apologise.

I asked for some data to support your claims. So far all I have had is opinion. Which as you know everyone has, just like armpits and yes some of them stink!

As for bringing the church into your 'debate' I'm still not sure what your beef is.

I really am baffled that you think I just follow opinion and even would condone global warming, Al queda, or any of the other things you mention. You read a few lines and make some big assumptions.

Cal down, relax, enjoy the banter and give us some positive Landrover related stuff including the data I asked for 100 posts ago and lets enjoy talking about our favourite subject Landrovers Petrol,chesse sandwiches, Diesel, big girls in stockings,LPG, Battery power, whatever takes your fancy.

couldn't agree more yer revrinse

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