
New Member
Thought I'd got over my last Landrover fixing when I sold my last Disco about 3 years ago and vowed never to have anything to do with the products of the British motor industry again!
My girlfriend's Freelander just ****ed all its power steering fluid out on the motorway due to the steel pipe across the back of the steering rack rusting through. It rusted through due to BAD DESIGN. It is mounted AGAINST the bulkhead for Gods sake, so it traps water between itself and the sound deadening foam. God these cars are poor quality. They truly make me ashamed to be British. I plead with her almost daily to sell it before the head gasket goes. It's mint and one owner so she'd still get some money for it. It's a ticking time bomb. I don't know anyone with a Freelander apart from her who has not had head gasket trouble. And a Porsche 911 would use less fuel. (Rant over, back to my question...)

1) She drove it about 25 miles with no PAS and most of the fluid gone, is the pump or rack likely to be F+++ked? or will it, like her massively pumped up arms, eventually recover? During the fault finding I topped it up with ATF to see where it was leaking and the PAS worked until it squirted out all the fluid again, though it whined a bit.

2) I've replaced the rusted out pipe, but the system's now largely empty of PAS fluid and theres all kinds of air in the system. Do I just top up the PAS fluid and leave it ticking over to self prime with the reservoir lid off? Or just when I think it's safe to go back in the house and warm my freezing hands up and blow my dribbling nose, has this awful car got an additional mind numbingly tedious ritual for me to perform to purge the air out of the PAS system involving secret bleed screws, jacking the front in the air, turning the steering back and forth 400 times, running 3 times round the car with my trousers down etc.?

God, I hate sloppy engineering. The worst of it is SWMBO's got my BMW (because it never goes wrong) so I've got to walk about 3 miles round trip to get more ATF while she kerbs my alloys in Heathrow multi story! :mad:

Any help gratefully received so I can get this heap finished and give it back ASAP!
lift the front wheels off the ground, fill the pas reservoir , start the car and work the steering backwards and forwards through its full travel untill it's bled.
assuming the 25mile drive aint ****ed the pump up, won't know till ya try it though

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