
New Member
I am on holiday in France and my Freelander 2 is sounding kind of agricultural plus the engine (warning) light is on (orange not red). I have booked it into a Landrover garage tomorrow but it's hours away and my husband says we shouldn't waste two days of our precious holiday time driving around the Dordogne with two small children when it will probably get us home anyway. Home, however, means driving 250 miles through southern France and into northern Spain to get the ferry from Santander.

So, does anyone have any experience of a Freelander making strange sort of tractor noises when accelerating? Do we wing it or spend our holiday getting it sorted?

It's not lost any power but doesn't like sport mode (it's an automatic).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome Janey

I think your husband is pushing your luck risking having a dead vehicle with 2 small kids! Do you have Euro recovery? You don't need a Landrover garage though, ask around locally for a good diesel mechanic. With any luck a couple of Landyzone members living in France will see this thread and give better advice.
Have just re-read your post. It could be a split turbo hose. In which case you can still keep driving it and the fix will be cheap.
Hi Live in Dordogne too, maybe able to help or steer you to good local guy who can give it the once over??

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