frog hopper

Well-Known Member
Don't panic, I just want to ask a couple of questions before I start in with the dinitrol.

Is it feasable to spray the inside of the A and B pillars, if I take out a hinge fixing screw can I inject the cavity wax without it finding its way onto the internal upholstry?
Do the hinge screws have captive nuts in the door pillars? I know I could just take one out but it would be too late then, logic tells me they would be captive.

Thanks guys in advance.
Captive nuts yes, they won't go anywhere if you remove a bolt but I would have thought their presence will prevent adequate access to the cavity. Professionals drill holes & plug them afterwards but if you go down that road try to avoid the cowboys, you can usually spot them by the hitching rails outside their premises ;)
Thanks @norseman , I put in a massive shift today (for an old farty that is) and got underneath with the dinitrol, so all the rest is done. Really don't want to be doing that again in a hurry. I managed to keep back a can of the cavity wax to do the pillars, even though I ended up laying in puddles of the stuff.
Included in the kit I bought were a number of plugs, so I think that is the way forward for me. I assume then that the pillars are sealed from the interior??
if a rrc has a hole fill it with rustproofing!!

I'm pretty sure the pillars are sealed from the interior! :p:p

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