Hi. As in my intro post, I am restoring a 109 s3 dormobile onto a galvanisés chassis.

I have finished the engine (seals and repaint) and the gearboxes ( clean and seals) as both were working fine. BUT... and there is always a but.
I mated engine to gearbox (bugger of a job to do alone) and tidied up the workshop before I roll the chassis in. I found this part under a bit of cardboard I had put down to protect the floor. Anyone know what it could be. Ok, to save the joke, the AA battery, I know what that is. It looks like some kind of shim against a shaft collar or something that turns. I really hope the GB does not have to come off again. Many thanks
That looks like a washer that stops end-float on a shaft, its surface ground, has ears to stop it rotating, and shows the right wear. I'm thinking oil pump, distributor shaft or cam shaft. Took a quick look in parts book but images are too poor to tell.
Before you strip it all down are you SURE you didn't strip the mower or something similar, it may sound silly but its worth checking.
Not anything I recognise from moving a few gearbox's and engines in and out but agree with rob1miles. Did you do other work on the engine?
Hi guys. Thanks for the feedback. I did not work on anything else during that time. Now that I think about it, Given where I found it, if it came from the Landy, it would be from the gearbox. I removed the front and rear outputs to do the seals (Ork ork) as well as all levers and brackets to paint. I did not touch the speedo output which was my first thought.... although I will have another look there.

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