Hi folks, we have a grinding noise on acceleration which we believe may be due to the rear diff.
Please could you help us to identify which diff we actually have so that we can get a suitable replacement !
We believe that the axle we have is a post 2002, on our 1997 110 if this helps at all ?

What kind of diff do you think this is ? Thanks x


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Looks like std rover diff to me.
Front and rears the same, some have different thickness bodies and may need longer fixing studs for two studs each side.
Only real difference is 10 and 24 spline flanges, real early ones also had a level bung in them
The spacer was put in when we fitted the lift kit for the suspension.

Looking at other diffs on t'internet desperately trying to identify it so we can get replacement. Really need car back on the road !!
4 pin p38 same has the one in mine ( 110 rear axle ) think it was jamesmartin that said which mine was 👍👍
Well, as ever, you came up trumps Landyzone users (although we had finally already managed to suss it out ourselves !).
Full marks to GATSO who wins top prize !! ....... Yes, it needed a P38 which we've fitted today and we now have a non-clonking, non-grinding lovely running beautiful Lady Landrover ! Oooohhhh I am SOOOOOOOOOO happy with her again now I seriously can't grin enough ;-) ;-) :) :) ;) :clap2::cheer2: Thankyou thankyou thankyou ! xxx

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