
Active Member
Well it happened, drilled out my broken glow plug thought all was going well until the end bit broke off in the head. I had seen a you tube video of what to do if this happens so tapped the bit through into the cylinder and removed the injector expecting to just fish out the broken end with a magnetised screwdriver.
However the injector hole is only 7 mm at best and I am having no joy with a magnetised screwdriver the piston appears to have a large ridge in the centre so I expect the bit to be sat in a swirl chamber or something. Does anyone know of a solution other than head off as this is my last resort and someone even said He didn't think the tip was magnetic I tested my new ones and they are so is there a slim magnet tool available to go in the hole I'm having trouble sourcing one cheers Alan.
I've got a 6mm diameter magnetic pickup tool, so they are available. I can't think where I got it, but it was probably from Trago Mills.
You could use a compressed air line to blow the bit to a more accessible position?
Grind the magnet on a pick up tool smaller?
Thank You for Your replies I'm liking the vacuum to a smaller tube idea as that's something I never thought of I was stuck on the magnet idea but suction could work too so I've got some options to try at least thanks again for the advice,Alan.
ordered a small flexible magnet retrieval tool with a 4 mm head so should fit through 7 mm injector hole, I don't expect it to be easy but at least it's not head off yet.
Nearly giving in as I have found the broken tip is NOT magnetic and is refusing to come out with a vacuum cleaner reduced pipe on the injector hole. My last attempt before head removal is to get my dads compressor and blow jets of air into the glow plug hole in an attempt to assist the vacuum to catch it at the 7 mm injector hole endways up. Not too hopeful so think its just prolonging the inevitable. Incidentally my new glow plugs are magnetic at the body and top end but very weak near the tip so I think its the inner core thats magnetic but once removed the outer sleeve tip is not.
Problem is the 7 mm injector hole it's barely big enough to get any tool through let alone with something else on it there is very deep swirl chambers in the piston crown and you cant see where the damn tip is it's almost impossible whoever made glow plugs non magnetic wants a good slap, the Youtube advice of tap the glow plug into the cylinder was a duff call too.
Cheers I have the same camera on a long usb cable I inserted it into the cylinder but the light source is poor and you couldn't make out much there was also some glare off the cylinder wall and to be able to see the piiston needs to be at least halfway down overall head off is imminent cheers for all the replies
If you can move the bit to a known position you may be able to snag it with a blob of something sticky on the end of a piece of wire.
On the other hand it may be worth pulling the head if only to save your sanity.It's not really that terrible of a job.

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