the ignition switch supplies power to the oil light bulb which in turn then earths through the oil switch, so if there is bared wire between it could be causing a short back to switch and ignition coil???????????
the ignition switch supplies power to the oil light bulb which in turn then earths through the oil switch, so if there is bared wire between it could be causing a short back to switch and ignition coil???????????

But surely by making it open circuit by unplugging it would also stop it running. If the feed was applied to earth it should stay running. :confused:
Too dark to take piccies now. Waiting for pick up truck. Not in a very good mood now. Oil light now on all the time. Smell of petrol inside the cab!!
Too dark to take piccies now. Waiting for pick up truck. Not in a very good mood now. Oil light now on all the time. Smell of petrol inside the cab!!

When it fails to start is it losing the spark or the fuel?
if the oil light is on all the time with the connector removed, it must be shorting to ground. this might be pulling down the ignition,,,,

hoever the light bulb should limit the power drain.
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I'm not far away... but... not exactly sure what help I can offer on this one... only got some old 2.25 petrol parts and diesel engine stuff...

Happy to help out if i can though...
need to check volts at oil sender, connected and not connected. also voltage at lt coil with oil sender fitted and not.
need to check volts at oil sender, connected and not connected. also voltage at lt coil with oil sender fitted and not.

yeah that's doable... has he been recovered somewhere safe for the night or is it needing attention tonight? Cov. is about 45 mins away..

(If he's somewhere safe for the night can pop over first thing in the morning to him)
Just a thought... has the op recently fitted anything new electrical wise? Stereo? cb? lights? could be worth disconecting if they have
i think he is a she. no idea but is relatively local, i believe.

ah apologises, she.

happy for you to pass on my details and can go and have a look...

How does the oil sender link into the coil then? (maybe time for me to go and find a wiring diagram!)

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