Update - still haven't figured out the blower issue. I've bled the cooling and taken the blower apart :-/
Also water is disappearing rapidly from the water bottle - no gunk in the oil and no steam from the exhaust - checked the hoses but I can't find a leak - so I'm not too sure where the heck the waters going. On a lighter note checked all fuses and the lighter fuse had blown so replaced and lighter works in the back now so kids can charge ds in car now (no more are we there yet ) yyyiiippppeeee x
Check your footwells for dampness. Might be your heater matrix leaking which might explain the misting of the windows
^^^^ wot than man said.

My windows no longer get condensation now that my heater matrix has been replaced.

The heater matrix seem to fail on a regular basis on the freelander. It appears to be quite common.
There's no dampness in the footwells :-/ where would the matrix be? Dumb question I know but I'm new to things like this going wrong - on old landys never had this issue lol.....
(Dont know technical terms just name everything thingy bob but if you tell me where abouts in car then ill know for next time what that bits actually called lol)
Heater matrix is a smaller radiator behind the console centre vents that carries coolant from the main cooling system and uses it to heat the interior.

If you are losing coolant and there is no leak from pipes, radiator or heater then I would suggest you have a blown head gasket and hot gas is venting into the coolant. The extra pressure in the coolant system will push fluid out of the expansion bottle filler cap.

...... oooooorrrrrrrrr, thinking about it...... the expansion bottle cap may be faulty and letting the normally pressurised coolant escape.
Aaahhh now I know what ur talking about - head gasket was done 5 years ago and head was skimmed etc - it only started doing this a few weeks back - there used to be bubbles in the water bubble before I bled it making me think there was a air lock....so what should be the next step then?
Could be. Although I hear of a lot more freelanders leaky heater matrix than water pumps. Stick your head under the passenger footwell and look up towards the center of the dash, you should see a 6" serrated pipe. There is often a bit of coloured crust on there where the matrix leaks down onto it. The colour of the crust will depend on the coolant as this is coolant that has leaked and dried up.

There is also a possibility that if your head gasket has gone that Somone hasn't done up a jubilee clip tight enough or something and over time it has become looser as the rubber pipe has deformed.
Perhaps the coolant is being leaked out of the exhaust due to headgasket failure. Any white smoke out the exhaust?

The water must be going somewhere! The headgaskets a heater matrix are the harder ones to spot at first. The leaking heater matrix would explain the condensation, that must be there for a good reason either heater matrix or your fish tank is full of water.

Perhaps radiator leak as it's an l series and getting on a bit. My leak was a bit of a bugger to find but again found by bright orange dried crusty coolant at the bottom of my rad.
Ah ok then - well it's finally stopped raining so ill have a look in a bit to see - it is not the head gasket as there is no sign at all no smoke no loss of power no mayonnaise in the oil etc there for I can almost be sure it's not that.
as said could be the header tank I know if I do not tighten the wife's cap on her header tank, then it leaks a bit I must get her to buy a new one.
I could tell my heater matrix was gone, apart from the sweet smell of antifreeze, was by putting my hand under the centre console under the dash in the small gap above the transmission tunnel. When I pulled my hand out it was damp.

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