
New Member
I really need help, it costs a lot of money to rent trailers (unless anyone knows of a cheap company).

I was wondering if there was anyone on here that lives near Blandford Forum in Dorset that may own a trailer, big enough to secure an old mini, roughly 3m in length and 1.4m wide(internal trailer dimensions).

I would need to borrow it for the weekend of the 13th of March, If possible 12th of March till 16th for ease of collecting and returning.

Is there anyone that can help me??

Many thanks,

hi fella well you ant to far from me i use yeovil hire centre the last car trailer i hired was £20 for the day early part of last year so price may have gone up slightly
Kings Stag Garage in, um, Kings Stag rent em and they're well cheap. Can't remember off hand hexactly how much but they're cheeeep!
yes mr ellis i for got them have used them aswell there light plant is cheap to hire aswell !!
I have found a contact number for kings stag, its 22mins away from where I will be situated and I can phone them and get details.

Are there any further details you might have for yeovil?

I have found a contact number for kings stag, its 22mins away from where I will be situated and I can phone them and get details.

Are there any further details you might have for yeovil?

al there details here
Trailers are wel cheap to hire when you consider how bloody expensive they ae to buy new. And how bloody easily nicked they are.
Right my plan of action is! If I can't get a trailer off someone in Blandford itself, I am going to have to drive a family member with me to drive the other car, it will be slightly less costly to do it this way if I can't get someone that owns one to lend it me for beer, fags, or a small amount of cash.
There are very few people I'd lend mine to. Too easily damaged, crashed, stolen etc etc. and the standard of driving you see on the roads doesn't fill me with the confidence I'd need to lend something worth a couple of grand to anyone really. The price of hiring one for a day really is peanuts.
fookin dunt even lend mine to family ! like yer say yer see the quality of driving and make a mental note NOT to lend a trailer, too expensive to replace at the mo
Indeed. Decent second hand ones aren't very easy to come by and they're a feck of a price new. Took me a good bit of looking before I bought the one I've got and then had to pay twice what I'd intended. I say again, hiring one is proper cheap.

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