Again would you be able to hear that easily, the noise is honestly loud and annoying and passers by can hear it from a good 20 feet away.
It sounds like you need someone to have a look rather than just guess, it's a bit like asking your Doctor to diagnose over the phone. Perhaps if you gave the area you lived in some kind person could have a look for you if not then a LR independent could be your best option.
might be worth having a look at the piece of prop and the vcu still remaining and make sure nothing is stuck on or in them, esp. check carrier bearing.
Carrier bearings are the two rubber supported bearings either side of the VCU. Yeovil bit too far for me to travel, may be other members local to you.
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i have noticed that i do not have any blanking plates on the car,,, could this be a reason and if so what could it be and what needs to be done???
The blanking plate modification fits on the end of the IRD and removes the output flange, not really required though (in my opinion) The Diff flange still remains as there is no blanking plate mod for the Diff.
ok so i wont do anything with that if its not causing any problems, just really annoyed that i cannot tell what the ticking noise is grrr, tried the putting the car on axles and in 1st gear but nothing happened so still completely clueless!!! Its worse for me when i go down a quiet street and all you can hear is the ticking noise and walkers by are looking at u!!!
Bearings are fitted either side of the vcu, within the mounts as below. A common fail point:


Does the noise sound like this?

[ame=]Land Rover Freelander 1 v6 failed vcu support bearing - YouTube[/ame]
it could be the cv joint does it make more sound when turning one way or the other if it makes more noise when turning right then it is your left cv if it make more noise when turning left then its your right cv
Hippo, no the noise does not sound anything like that, also i dont have the vcu on there anymore so couldnt be that either way, teddywood1 no it doesnt make more noise when turning a certain way. still really confused as to what it can be.:confused:
Hippo, no the noise does not sound anything like that, also i dont have the vcu on there anymore so couldnt be that either way, teddywood1 no it doesnt make more noise when turning a certain way. still really confused as to what it can be.:confused:

Just pop a Metallica CD in and turn it up bloody loud. :D
Just read through this thread and wondered if you have a bit of metal in one of your tyres, the sound of that would increase/decrease in speed as your vehicle does the same. Just a thought.

Speedo ticking? I don't know if the speedo is cable or electronic but cable ones do this sort of thing.
Mine did the same just before the nearside driveshaft committed hari kiri on the c.v joint.
Have look, do you get a lot of vibration from the front end as well (Behave you lot)
If it is my drive shaft cv joint thing is that an expensive repair? How long should it take to sort out am really skint but at the same time wanna get it sorted. Also if it is that then what's the worse that could happen???
Hi try cheching your tyres might be a stone caught in the tread,that would account for it getting quicker as you go quicker.

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