OK folks, let's help the guy out ...

The red one goes from there to there and has a connector on each end.
The other red one goes from that bit to that bit.
The blue one, which has replaced the red one links that with that, and the green and yellow one has been used to link the oojah with the wotsit!

Be careful that you don't connect that black one with that black one because it will go bang, as some eejit ran out of red and blue and used that instead!

If in doubt, use the red lead on a multimeter for the stuff where there should be power and keep the black one on the multimeter connected to a bit of metal that's attached to all the other bits of metal which could attached to the battery by red/black/blue/green/random coloured bits of wire or cable!

I sincerely hope that this has helped and clarified some of the mystique surrounding Land Rover Series wiring! :D

also be wary of red with a white line and white with a red line!

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