The mistake that's been made here is asking permission in the first place. Just go and buy a Land-Rover ffs. If your wife moans about it, remove all sound insulation in the cab and throw it away so you can't hear her any more.
The mistake that's been made here is asking permission in the first place. Just go and buy a Land-Rover ffs. If your wife moans about it, remove all sound insulation in the cab and throw it away so you can't hear her any more.
See stoker... that's the kind of woman you need: One that (a) has a nice ass, and (b) would moan at you if you didn't buy a Land-Rover.
my mrs was dead set against me buying one, but i got it anyway. Saying that, I got a p38 which is a lot comfier and quieter than a defender. She actually ended up loving it becuase it can tow her horse about :rolleyes:
my mrs was dead set against me buying one, but i got it anyway. Saying that, I got a p38 which is a lot comfier and quieter than a defender. She actually ended up loving it becuase it can tow her horse about :rolleyes:
they always come round its just a case of how long it takes
Dont tell her you've been down the pub eyeing up tottie, you'll get a black eye.
did she like cross roads?, or heartbeat?, or emmerdale? if so then landies were featured on these regularly, then you can say its one of the few vehicles made over here, and its one of the safest, and a good argument is that it'll keep up with the jone's if you get a newer one.
Lots of good reasons.
My mrs had a ex mil 109 for 20 years, some girls like em, proper ones.
By bodyy1989:

i do find it funny that he aint been back, perhaps we scared him off.

No chance!

:) I'm now the proud owner of a 1969 Series 2a. Constant badgering won the day - needless to say, Mrs Stoker isn't it's biggest fan!

:doh: As for all the testosterone laden talk -hands up who'd repeat it front of their other half!

I must be lucky, as i have just sold the wife's car to fund the purchase of the Disco :D
But kept my own car and bike :D
:) I'm now the proud owner of a 1969 Series 2a. Constant badgering won the day - needless to say, Mrs Stoker isn't it's biggest fan!

:doh: As for all the testosterone laden talk -hands up who'd repeat it front of their other half!


Well done Stoker! Did you use the "A Landy's cheaper than a divorce" tactic? ;)
Don't get it?????

I have spent years & years, trying to find the perfect vehicle!
I have found it at last! In so many ways, and on so many levels! WOOHOO! (no point putting a smilie on, not one with a big enough grin!)

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