I always thought the clutch claw was the biggest prob for the crimes - why is a disc lock better than a clutch claw then??

Good luck with your landy mate - I feel your pain.


Cos it's harder to nick a landy with a disclock fitted than it is a landy with a clutch claw fitted. Also a clutch claw is often not seen until AFTER the scrotes have broken into your landy so is not really a visual deterent.
Got both Disklock and Clutch Claw on mine + Thatcham Cat 2 professionally fitted immobiliser

£300 total seemed a small price to pay

Of course, nothing is an absolute deterrent....
Thanks for all your messages of sympathy, guys, all really appreciated! As for the theft prevention advice, I think a DISCLOK is probably the way to go with my NEXT Landy - and there WILL be one whether or not Harriet is recovered. Good to know there are some good folks out there as well as the thieving ****s that have abducted Harriet.
Further to above, I WILL look into the TRACKER idea, too - as you say, SKYNET, we really do 'pay' for our addictions don't we?!!

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