That sounds pretty good. My folks are getting on a bit too. They live about 2 hours drive from here, and are pretty healthy for people in their 80s. If they do get bad, I can run down and find somewhere to moor a few miles from their house, so I can look after them, but not have to stay there.

Trees over the mooring are a bore, not just because of the panels, but because of the stuff that falls out of them, and the bird sh!t on the roof. Chainsaw or copper nails would be the best bet.

I think my ideal sceanario would be to find a house with an off side mooring at the end of the garden, then I could rent out the house, and moor up there for servicing etc., and maybe more permanently when I get even older and more decrepit.

The land where my moorings are was sold by the farmer back in the early 90s to developers on the proviso that he could stay there until he popped his clogs. he's 93 now and so could easily go anytime or even last another 10 yrs, either way my mooring could well be on borrowed time as the developers may well not want to continue them. shame as itsn a lovely spot other than the trees and dirt cheap too at only £280 p/a plus the dreaded mooring permit from CRT at £680.
The land where my moorings are was sold by the farmer back in the early 90s to developers on the proviso that he could stay there until he popped his clogs. he's 93 now and so could easily go anytime or even last another 10 yrs, either way my mooring could well be on borrowed time as the developers may well not want to continue them. shame as itsn a lovely spot other than the trees and dirt cheap too at only £280 p/a plus the dreaded mooring permit from CRT at £680.

Try embalming the landlord, and propping him up in the corner when he goes, might buy you a couple more years! ;):eek:

My mooring is a bit more than that, but it is in a marina with full facilities, although I don't use the shore hook up because I have an inboard genny. And I get on very well with the family that run it, and they help me out a lot.:)

The big upside of being on the Levels in Cambs. is no licence, and no dealings with CRT! o_O The levels are run by the Middle Level Comissioners, they are well funded by drainage levies, and tolerant of leisure boats, which they regard as useful eyes and ears on their system. They are much better at dredging than CRT too, and because it is flat, there are very few locks.
Sounds good, the nanocom is much better for this. 10 minutes tops, whilst he is in there get him to change your EKA code to something easy to remember, also change your alarm setting to "always" ( this means the key will disable the noisy alarm as well as the fob).

Thanks for trying the spreadsheet, I always wondered if it worked.

What is an unbiased version?

the original D2 boys club page on FB was hijacked by dickheads. the new page was opened and those non dickhead members such as myself and most others were invited over. its a good informative source and worth a look. regarding the spread sheet, nothing ventured nothing gained eh!
the original D2 boys club page on FB was hijacked by dickheads.

I unfollowed the FB page, it was getting stupid. I pop into the D2BC website now and again. The problem with FB pages is they have no historical resource available, so you end up repeating stuff again and again and again..............:rolleyes:

I unfollowed the FB page, it was getting stupid. I pop into the D2BC website now and again. The problem with FB pages is they have no historical resource available, so you end up repeating stuff again and again and again..............:rolleyes:


Just one of the many problems with farcebook, from what I have herd!
Try embalming the landlord, and propping him up in the corner when he goes, might buy you a couple more years! ;):eek:

My mooring is a more than that, but it is in a marina with full facilities, although I don't use the shore hook up because I have an inboard genny. And I get on very well with the family that run it, and they help me out a lot.:)

The big upside of being on the Levels in Cambs. is no licence, and no dealings with CRT! o_O The levels are run by the Middle Level Comissioners, they are well funded by drainage levies, and tolerant of leisure boats, which they regard as useful eyes and ears on their system. They are much better at dredging than CRT too, and because it is flat, there are very few locks.

I work over that way quite often, i've a couple of fork trucks in march that I cover for breakdowns, just by the marina on the old river nene. I didn't know that its not CRT. lucky you, the CRT have been a proper pain of late to most of us live aboards.
I unfollowed the FB page, it was getting stupid. I pop into the D2BC website now and again. The problem with FB pages is they have no historical resource available, so you end up repeating stuff again and again and again..............:rolleyes:

cant expect too much from facebook though eh lol, hence the change to the unbiased. sorry bud, gotta go get some tea. ill let you know about the success or not with the nanocom.
I work over that way quite often, i've a couple of fork trucks in march that I cover for breakdowns, just by the marina on the old river nene. I didn't know that its not CRT. lucky you, the CRT have been a proper pain of late to most of us live aboards.

CRT are a total bore. A lady I know worked for Waterways for 23 years, 13 on the boats, and 10 doing the brickwork on lock gates. Black Country girl based in Dudley. When she heard CRT were taking over, she took early retirement! :(

Drop us a PM and pop in for a coffee anytime you are in March! ;):) I am in that marina.
CRT chased me for not moving far enough when I was constant cruising, myself and lots of others. They wouldn't quantify how far is far enough though. Then they lost a court case and had to give a quantifiable distance to the court. They came up with 20 miles of network over the 12 month licence period. That was less than we'd all been doing anyway! Several of the others have gone back to the bridge hopping again now as a result.
I will mate, I'll buzz you when I'm likely that way.

Just drop us a PM, I am online most days!

CRT are idiots, they chase up people who are actually cruising, but it took them years to clear the boats at the Western end of the K&A, some of which hadn't moved for years, and some of them had actually sunk.

They hassled me for mooring overnight in a pound at Caen HIll, I asked the Nazi why, he said there would be a big barge mooring there for an event in the morning.
I asked him when it would turn up, he said 11ish. When I said we would be gone at first light, he looked at me funny, but eventually p!ssed off on his quad bike! :rolleyes:
Sounds about right. My mate around the corner from here has 2.5 acres with canal side. CRT flat refused to give him mooring rights at first, until he pointed out that the deeds showed him owning the steel bank and that he was going to have to start charging CRT for the rental of them. They soon changed their tune and gave him rights for 500 feet of moorings! Lol!

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