
New Member
hi all got the hk system in my d2 and my cd changer wownt play copied cds tried all formats diff cds,....thought they work in the house so they r not to blame.
Do you mean when you take your HK system in the house it works?
Or do you think the HK system refuses point blank to play your awful taste in music?
Or maybe some music systems are fussy about self recorded CD's, try a legal CD not some illegally downloaded ****.
the recorded cds will not play in the car...but normal one will,its not illegal to copy music to a cd.
When you burn your CDs are you using "audio format" and finishing off the CD by finalising it? Some CD players are very picky about formatting and type of CD. I have met CD players that deliberately reject CDRs, too.
Try the equivalent of this

i use itunes to r,w cds and i have a new acer aspire so it aint that....can anyone else play burned cds and played them in the changer?

i know its a cheesey crap question but if u aint going to help dont comment,simple really,next time u post ill reply with a sarky comment lmao
i use itunes to r,w cds and i have a new acer aspire so it aint that....can anyone else play burned cds and played them in the changer?

i know its a cheesey crap question but if u aint going to help dont comment,simple really,next time u post ill reply with a sarky comment lmao

Yes mine does play all types of CD's, even copies - Big nose

I thought I'd cover all the bases with my response.


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