
New Member
As the post title states, can anyone help me identify the Defender in the photos? It seems to me a Series II from the 60’s.
Kind regards
Yes its from the 60s. Not a 'Defender' a Short Wheel Base (or 'Regular' as they were called then) Series 2a made between 1961 and 1970. Pictures of the inside will tell more. There are lots of original features on it, correct windscreen frame, correct door hinges, correct deep sills. from what I can see the chassis seems in good condition. Are you the owner? Are you going to restore it?
Yes its from the 60s. Not a 'Defender' a Short Wheel Base (or 'Regular' as they were called then) Series 2a made between 1961 and 1970. Pictures of the inside will tell more. There are lots of original features on it, correct windscreen frame, correct door hinges, correct deep sills. from what I can see the chassis seems in good condition. Are you the owner? Are you going to restore it?

Thank you for your answer. Didn’t know these were not called Defender’s.
It’s from someone I know that abandoned it several years ago and probably I could own it almost free..
I would love to restore it but I am considering the costs of doing so because unfortunately I can not do it by myself (no time or knowledge).

If I decide to do so I will do a thread on it.

kind regards.
If you pay someone to do most of the restoration brace yourself for financial hardship. It's worth doing though, series 2's are very sought after.

If you pay someone to do most of the restoration brace yourself for financial hardship. It's worth doing though, series 2's are very sought after.

I agree on both points. Save it before it rots away and the world loses another 2a.
Interesting use of an extra pair of headlights, the ones in the grille are Marschal if I'm not mistaken?
Yes, early series 2a. Looking at the pic of the rear tub the chassis looks galvanized, either that or been painted sliver. Nice straight body and bulkhead/door pillars look ok. Well worth saving.
That could have signifcant value, if its LHD and early it may exportable to the US of Canada. Well worth saving even as it is.
Yes, early series 2a. Looking at the pic of the rear tub the chassis looks galvanized, either that or been painted sliver. Nice straight body and bulkhead/door pillars look ok. Well worth saving.
Why do think it's a 2a and not a series 2?
There is very little difference between a 2 and early 2a visible on the out side, some pics of the dash would tell. So I am not sure which it is, however in the first pic I can not see an exhaust pipe in front of the passenger foot well which the two would have.
Looking again though the wings do not have the indentations for the side lights which would have been in the outer position when made, having indicators was an extra and they were put in the side light position and side's moved in with just a plane hole made for them. I had a 58 2 and it was like this so I am now leaning towards a 2. The front valance is missing which would have helped.
After 60 years more detail needed to be sure. The silver'ish colour of the visible chassis is intriguing.
My series 2 looked just like that..... Without the lights in the wing though, probably done at the same time as the side repeater. Some pics of the interior would help.
not sure you can tell if its a 2 or 2a, not sure theres any visible external difference
shame its lost its wiper motors!
with door locks and wing headlamps, its either late, or been upgraded
looks very straight, hope the bits we can't see are just as good! an exciting find!

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