
New Member

Hope im in the correct forum?

I know this is a poor photo but can anyone please help identify this beauty of a workhorse. Trying to relive my youth and hoping i can find one ( or simular). Used in 1995/6/? In mountain/arid/desert cnditions. Cant be sure but i think it had a 3.5 or 4.5 petrol waterproofed? (No snorkel though)? Definatly a V8. It was a dream to drive on and off road in the mountains/snow. I can remember it rocked heavily wen throttle depressed and didnt half fly when accelerating away... great fun,
split windscreen, internal small seats/recess behind cab and external fold downs infront of rear axle (RH visible in phot) 1 more fold down and internal at rear.
Swivel weapon mount atop and and weapon mount at passenger side.
External crash bars all around and square grills infront of headlights.

Stripped of all mission kit in this photo.

Any help or discusion would be gratfully recieved.