Rachel fowler

New Member
Hi I have a disco 3 2006 I have changed both front wheel bearing as there was a humming noise coming from the front which gets louder the faster I go the noise is still there and has gotten worse I was thinking it might be the diff or the drive shaft any ideas guys thankyou Rachel
Yes it didn't go away and has gotten worse it sound like it's coming from the front I've changed both wheel bearing and it's made no difference it just seems to be getting louder

Hi I have a disco 3 2006 I have changed both front wheel bearing as there was a humming noise coming from the front which gets louder the faster I go the noise is still there and has gotten worse I was thinking it might be the diff or the drive shaft any ideas guys thankyou Rachel
Welcome Rachel. I hope you manage to clearly establish what's causing the pesky humming noise...it can be expensive - and incredibly frustrating - changing components only to find the problem is still there. Have you done the bearings yourself and how long have you been afflicted with Landyitis? You've landed on the best site, with excellent advice, freely given by owners with lots if experience.
You'll find you're going to be pestered by dubious characters demanding photos. Of your Landy.

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