C'mon lads, you had a whole day and a half to go round and fix all his problems! Anyone would think you had lives to live or summat:rolleyes:
No ####ing get it right only wanted a few tips but saw the light and scraped the nail off **** and got a pajero. I want be sucking up to any other clubs
No ####ing get it right only wanted a few tips but saw the light and scraped the nail off **** and got a pajero. I want be sucking up to any other clubs

Here's a tip...feck off

Pajero a massive improvement eh haha :hysterically_laughi:your_wrong:
Oh and learn to :speakenglish:
Had to read that twice. Wondered why he was "scraping the nail off ****". After much consideration surely he isn't scraping **** off a nail, he is scrapping (two P's) the pile (nail?) of (off) **** and he won't (want) be sucking up to any other forums (clubs).

I'm 15 minutes drive from Sheffield, but there's no way on God's green earth I would go and help someone so impatient and ungrateful.

Enjoy your paj, pal.
Had to read that twice. Wondered why he was "scraping the nail off ****". After much consideration surely he isn't scraping **** off a nail, he is scrapping (two P's) the pile (nail?) of (off) **** and he won't (want) be sucking up to any other forums (clubs).


:hysterically_laughiThanks for that, I tried several times but couldn't make head nor tail :p
what MHM said, some ungrateful people we try to help but all this is at a distance as we are not there looking at the car and when and if you do come back can you learn to spell a bit better
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what MHM said, some ungrateful people we try to help but all this is at a distance as we are not there looking at the car and when and if you do come back can you learn to spell a bit better

Some punctuation would have helped a lot as well.

Oh and maybe listing the parts fitted line by line, not all run together....
holy ****, what a nice guy, still it gave us some amusement for a while, lolol

what a stroppy numb nuts, would expect that attitude from a 2 year old

i think he got stressed, lmao , if he had taken a deep breath and asked nicely he would have got a hole gallon of petrol and even a free match, lol

Not sure if everyone is aware of this but the Pajero is not called Pajero in most Spanish speaking lands because the word " Pajero" is the Spanish equivalent of the good old English "****ER". I understand now why they called it such. :D
holy ****, what a nice guy, still it gave us some amusement for a while, lolol

what a stroppy numb nuts, would expect that attitude from a 2 year old

i think he got stressed, lmao , if he had taken a deep breath and asked nicely he would have got a hole gallon of petrol and even a free match, lol


How do you make a hole in liquid? :confused: :D

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