
my wife has an injury which has made getting in to the passenger seat impossible I do not want to have to sell the car, last of the p38's, I have tried a step from the caravan shop but no good, my car has the rubber side steps, anyone have the same problem? and how did you overcome it. regards, Derek
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Without wanting to be nosy could you give a little more detail on your wife's injury? What is it that's stopping her getting in exactly, is it just the height of the motor or what? Depending on the circumstances there are all kinds of modifications you could make, you won't find anything in a caravan shop though!

Try visiting your local disabled aids/mobility scooter shop for advice. If it's only a temporary injury and she should get better you might not need anything, but if not there are modified car seats that swivel sideways, reinforced handles and straps to aid climbing in and out, you could probably even get a stena stairlift fitted if you really wanted to!

Hope you find a solution :)
many thanks, we are both quite old, my wife has a pelvic injury as well as heart failure,and a replacement knee, she is not very strong our old classic had a strong handle over the glove box but with the air cushions unable to fit,
you could put a defender step under the rail might have to mod it abit how important is offroading and ground clerance
many thanks, we are both quite old, my wife has a pelvic injury as well as heart failure,and a replacement knee, she is not very strong our old classic had a strong handle over the glove box but with the air cushions unable to fit,
Did she manage to get in using the handle in the classic?I know discos had them too(without the airbags).Could you have the air bag removed and a handle retrofitted?
A 67 year old, wheelchair bound lady with MS used to ride my horse every week so that she could still compete side saddle (where legs aren't really needed as much). Obviously getting on and off the horse provided many challanges and as this was a long term arrangement, her husband found a step ladder that was, put simply, a basic chair on a step ladder frame which had a motor that lifted and lowered the seat to the height of my horse.

It folded up as a normal step ladder and he gave it to me to keep in my 90. It slotted in nicely behind the front seats!

Something like this would, I am sure be pretty easy to make out of a standard step ladder and a second hand Stairlift with some mods and runners.

Hope that helps as I don't think there is much you can do with the vehicle that will make things easier for your wife.


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Can i just say, we all take the **** and have a laugh on this forum, its grand, but i really feel you lads that have offered some good, sensible advice here to this chap and his wife and deserve a pat on the back. Good on yer...and good on you too Fulmar for seeing that theres a solution to every problem...hope you get it sorted...if it were my mrs i'd just put a rope on her, tie her to the towbar and drag her down the m6, but thats just a romantic dream.

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