My 90 td5 died on the highway after about 1 hour of driving. Before that the engine sounded like it didn't get the fuel required. Water sensor, left indicator flicker on the dashboard. Several attempts to restart drained the battery. A kind man stopped and offered help, he was a mechanic, connected hid ODB, nothing wrong. He told me to fill the tank up after giving me jump start and test drive wich I did. Car driving fine but flicker on dashboard. Looked under vehicle, found that two cables (coming from the rear) , attached to the right side of LT230T had come somewhat loose. retightened those and flicker went away. Drove for 2 hours back home without problems.

Can mention that the car had been standing still for 3 weeks before with rainy weather. Fuel filter about 9 months old.
So, wich procedure would YOU follow to enshure that the fuel line is ok? I wouldn't want this to happen again...
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I'd like to see a photo of the cables that you tightened - if they are earths, that may have caused your problem. I'd also fit a new fuel filter, looking out for water/debris in the old one.
As above pics would help, I've fitted a lot of the cross flow housings that the filter screws on to maybe worth putting a new one on , they can cause allot off fuel starvation issues / leek back faults
Ok, it's these two black cables attached to the transfer box
Those are both earths, and could have caused any manner of problems. I take it you haven't had any odd lights on the dash since reconnecting them?
Those are both earths, and could have caused any manner of problems. I take it you haven't had any odd lights on the dash since reconnecting them?

That's right no problems after that! Could this also be an earth point for the fuel pump? Maybe the problem was that the vibration while driving caused the earth wires to disconnect/connect hence the fuel pump only was operation "randomly"?

In my Hanyes manual there is wiring schematics and the vehicles earth points numbered 1, 2 , and so on, but no reference to where they are actually located. If I figure that out I could trace down this earth point and see if this is the problem. I'm soon going on a longer trip and would rather spend my money on vacation instead of towing.
The wiring diagram in the Haynes is not great. I suspect you have discovered and rectified your problem when you tightened the earth connections. If you're a bit mad, you could always disconnect the earths again and see what sort of faults you have - but I wouldn't. Make sure the earth connections are clean and tight - use a spring washer if there isn't one there already.
The wiring diagram in the Haynes is not great. I suspect you have discovered and rectified your problem when you tightened the earth connections. If you're a bit mad, you could always disconnect the earths again and see what sort of faults you have - but I wouldn't. Make sure the earth connections are clean and tight - use a spring washer if there isn't one there already.

Well, mad I am but that's another story :) thanks so much for all help!

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