
New Member
please help my 1994 disco has a strange problem
when i turn my headlights on one works the other doesn't when i put it on full beam the headlight that was on goes off and the other one comes on
also when i put the car on full left lock my battery light comes on any ideas please help asap as am supposed to be going out tonight and really dont want anymore points :(
hi.the problem with the lights is probably due to dirty connectors on the bulbs,just pull them off the bulb and give them a bit of a clean,i had the same sort of problem and that sorted it,as for the battery light on at full lock,the alternator belt is probably a bit slack,easy to adjust.hope this helps,Andy
Hi There sounds like you have a bad earth there somewhere or connection, do a quick search for bad connections water ingress corrosion and clean. See iof that helps
cheers for the advice i cleaned up the terminals and they are much better but found one has got a lose conection inside the bulb so getting new bulbs thanks for your help

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