1st rule of getting a dead 4x4 recovered is to tow it to a garage and jetwash it.
well i`ll say this thanks to kooky for all his help the rest **** OFF !!!!!! If it is stripped least i know who to come looking for thanks
well i`ll say this thanks to kooky for all his help the rest **** OFF !!!!!! If it is stripped least i know who to come looking for thanks

i was gonna offer to help ya out if ya needed it but as you told me to fook off i shall withdraw the offer now :D:D
and how is stripping it gonna help me out ?

Do you have fully comp insurance? If so, then getting stuck counts as an "accident" and you can claim that way. If its broken and on a legal byway (its on a legal byway, right....?) then if you're in teh AA, they are obliged to recover you, doesn't matter how complicated or if they need to engage subcontractors etc (yes there's specialists who recover off road stuff).

If its just "stuck" then you'll not get any help off your insurance company if you're simply TPFT. However, if it were stolen or set on fire.....

Anyway, the AA would be the best route since its their responsibility, I think.
joined the aa paid £209 patrol came out, before he got out the van he told me they wouldnt touch me saying i`ve been offroading then got back in and drove off leaving me stranded freezing my ass off in an area i didnt no so much for the 4th emergency service ****ERS
sorry robint when ur stranded freezing no food or drink all dayand night and aa ****ing me off had to leave the car and didnt get home til gone 11pm and still have no way of getting the ****ing car home how would u feel
sorry robint when ur stranded freezing no food or drink all dayand night and aa ****ing me off had to leave the car and didnt get home til gone 11pm and still have no way of getting the ****ing car home how would u feel

its always good to have some local peeps contact numbers like this situation im sure if any one would of known someone would of come out and lent a hand then took the **** and posted plenty of piccys ..................
yeah was on legal byway was about 10 meters from a main road

Raise the complaint with the AA then, since they are contractually bound to cover you. If you reach a brick wall, they're classed as "insurance" so fall under the umbrella of the FSA.

Meanwhile, you might be able to go ahead and arrange private recovery, eg any garage/recovery firm with a low loader etc. If its 10m from a highway, I dare say they could reach it with their winch wire to get it back onto tarmac for their truck?

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