Active Member

Got the grinder out tonight to try and cut a slot in the drop arm to try and remove it. As per some of the tutorials on the net.

The bloody thing still wont budge though, hit it a fair few times but wary of causing problems or wear in the steering box. Didnt use a hammer too heavy though.

I have no access to any pullers of any kind, nor can i drive it now.

Any suggestions guys, im stuck
It is a pig of a job but you just have to make another slice and then I found you can loosen it enough with some persuasion from a cold chisel and a hammer...

As I said on another thread failing heat, a drift and a sledge hammer if you can loosen the bolt you can try going for a drive along a bumpy lane. That should dislodge the drop arm off the tapered splines. This was advice I received from someone in the know many years ago.

Can you loosen the bolt with some big nasty stillsons first?
As I said on another thread failing heat, a drift and a sledge hammer if you can loosen the bolt you can try going for a drive along a bumpy lane. That should dislodge the drop arm off the tapered splines. This was advice I received from someone in the know many years ago.

Can you loosen the bolt with some big nasty stillsons first?

i tried that, it didn't budge. had it soaked in plusgas for a week, 8 ton puller, hammers and allsorts.

a grinder worked :D

but i had to go all the way through then it went clang and dropped off.

tbh, this was a 3 bolt box on a 26 year old vehicle..
Can be hard to be sure you've cut all the way through

Minetook several cuts making the 'slice' wider and wider before it eventually did the decent thing and fell off!

Perserverance and brute force on this one I'm afraid
Would cutting the actual drop arm off so you can get a nut splitter in there not help? if you've already cut a slot and you stick a nut splitter on it surely it can't stay on then

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