
New Member
Think my handbrake is stuck on or frozen. im in the mountains so very cold at moment. last drove it about a week ago and there were floods so guessing the car get wet then froze. basically when u go to pull away, the car moves very slightly then stops. when no pressure through car transmissionm handrake lever moves as nornal but when the car tries to move and pressure on the handbrakem the lever is solid in the down position. funny thing is i think i may of left the handbrake off so not sure whats goin on. Day time temps generally below freezing so i cant just let it thaw out. i didnt want to force it by trying to drive out of it either.

any ideas greatly appreciated.

its an auto td5 by the way
Think my handbrake is stuck on or frozen. im in the mountains so very cold at moment. last drove it about a week ago and there were floods so guessing the car get wet then froze. basically when u go to pull away, the car moves very slightly then stops. when no pressure through car transmissionm handrake lever moves as nornal but when the car tries to move and pressure on the handbrakem the lever is solid in the down position. funny thing is i think i may of left the handbrake off so not sure whats goin on. Day time temps generally below freezing so i cant just let it thaw out. i didnt want to force it by trying to drive out of it either.

any ideas greatly appreciated.

its an auto td5 by the way

Stick an heater under the disco pointing at the transmission brake drum. Or use an hot air paint stripper/hairdryer to warm the drum up. see if that helps.
yeah just the drum mate. dont force it as ive seen them chew the shoes up before now when they were stuck hard to the drum!
as above try heating it and hitting it with a mallett, then rock it gently to see if it will free up. you may have to strip it and lubricate the mechanism if thats whats siezing up.
As Tig says, hit it. If you've got a soft drift ( length of ally), put the drift on the drum and **** it with a big 'ammer.:D
One other point! ensure there is someone in the car at the time as you don't want to **** it and then have the vehicle run you over!

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