
New Member
I have a 1989 Defender 110 with a 2.5TD motor and a LT77 gearbox. I am a new owner to this vehicle, so am not sure what repairs/maintenance was previously preformed.

The issue is:
When the gearbox is attempted to be put into 1st gear with the gearbox oil cold, there is a loud high-speed rattle from the gearbox. The clutch is depressed, the gearbox is attempted to be placed into 1st gear, and then the rattle begins. Quickly remove gearbox from 1st gear (if it is even in 1st, who knows), and disengage the clutch...rattle stops. Wait a few seconds, try to get into 1st problems and no rattle. This rattle never happens when the vehicle has been operating for more than 10 minutes. Something to do with cold oil. The problem isn't specific to 1st gear; it also happens with reverse on start up.

I suspect that the problem is the wrong type of oil (or worn out oil) in the gearbox which is causing the sychromesh to not be properly lubricated on start-up. Does this make sense? Or is the problem likely something else?

You could give it an oil change, you never know it could sort it out.
An oil change is definitely on the list of items i gave to the repair shop. I am not able to get MTF-94 oil in Argentina, where the Landy is. So i am stuck with ATF dexron III.
Nevertheless, as the vehicle is in Argentina, and I am not, i am trying to troubleshoot this gearbox problem as best possible from afar. I don't want to arrive in Argentina and have the gearbox still messed up, as i don't have 2 months to wait for parts to arrive from the UK !! (seriously, customs is a Kafkaesque nightmare)
does sound like the syncro not working properly. is it a rattle like something is loose, or a grinding noise?
also can you feel it through the gearstick?
does sound like the syncro not working properly. is it a rattle like something is loose, or a grinding noise?
also can you feel it through the gearstick?
Thanks for responding!
It is a high speed grinding noise. It can be felt through the gearstick, though because it is such a high speed grinding, the feeling is slight. Nothing as severe (in terms of felt experience) as when you grind a gear normally on a bad gear change.
If you change the oil run the old stuff through some mesh and see if there are any bits in it. If there are, take a photo and post it on the forum 'cos someone should be able to identify them.

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