Well I got the seals from Diesel bob,then set about the pump.On the l.h.s. of the pump viewed from drive end,is a 10mm A/F bolt at about 9 o'clock-this bolt has a thick spacer underneath.If you remove the spacer and retightenthe bolt it locks the shaft.So using a spanner to turn the pump so the 10mm timing pin is a slide fit on the drive flange,then lock it in this posn with the 10mm locking bolt on the side of the pump.Next I used stilsons the hold the flange while I undid the nut(no strain on the locking bolt on the shaft)-then a puller to pull drive flange off-next out came the old seal,and in went the new.Then just reassemble (+loctite).Before removing the locking bolt,I checked the 10mm timing pin was still a nice sliding fit,which it was so pretty confident all was well.
Refitted the pump-refitted new cambelt and timed up-wound the engine over several times by hand and all valves and rockers were doing what they should-so it looks like I got away with the belt breaking with no extra damage(was only doing 20mph on overun when it happened).Anyway put her all back together,and once I had got all the air out of the fuel lines she fired up,sounded OK and been driving her since,so jobs a good un.

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