From a trader, he has refused my money back and become

He legally has to take it back or give you a full refund.

I had a similar problem last year with a local car dealer and took him to court. I won, got all my money back, costs covered etc. He also got aggressive with me which the judges don't like to hear :)

Good luck with it, whatever you decide to do. If you get anyone to look at it or any work done keep all invoices. It would be advised not to do anything to it at all if there is any chance you want to return it.
My wife had a very similar problem with a Freelander purchase from a big dealer. Began to run really rough after a day or two.They tried to hide behind the warranty we had on it, not to do with them, we would have to pay for for diagnostics etc....
Contacted trading standards, they gave us all the info on 'Sale of Goods act' and our legal rights etc. Garage quite quickly realised we'de taken advice and paid up for our local garage to diagnose and fix.
My advice, contact trading standards asap.

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