
New Member
Firstly I would like to say hi to everyone, as I am new to the forum.

I have recently bought a LR disco mk1 and have noticed a leak from the gearbox? I wanted to ask peoples help and advice on where it could be coming from and how I can fix the problem.

I know that the gearbox and diff have been replaced and has been serviced, but after a journey yesterday I noticed this.....




The leak is coming from... what i can see is the top of the gearbox, and it is clean oil.

Any ideas or help with this would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance

I have just checked the engine oil, and it was low? just topped it back up. now i think i will jet was it and check to see where the leak could be coming from. I suppose that should of been the first thing i should of checked before i posted lol hay ho, we learn.

Good call Dave :)
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problem with an oil leak is it travels u may think its coming from one place when in reality its coming from somewhere totally different

Well I'm still a little concerned about the leak, but i have hosed it all down and hopfuly i will be able to get a better look tomorrow.

I just hope that i can find the problem and be able to fix it... i all keep this thread updated to what i find tomorrow.

thanks for your post guys.
As a noob you may not understand , it's a landrover , no leaks means no oil , it's how we know that there's oil in there !!! It's not difficult , try and keep up !
I thought the oil leaks were designed in to stop them rusting underneath - shame it never reaches the sills or loadspace floor though! To have stopped the rot under mine it would have needed to use more oil than fuel.
ok i have now check underneath with the engine running and this is what i found.... the underside of the Vacuum Pump is leaking?



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