we could have a relay of LZIR's on standby for the route back if we new what route it was?

did Bucky have any ideas what it could be?
Just had a bare bones text, he's out and about without very good coverage.

Hopefully Holty will post soon with details
Hi All...update. Many thanks to Blue Beasty and Buckshot, the "Knight in Shining Armour" who came out to the car. I'm well impressed with the community spirit on here and the literally ' Rapid Response'.
The noise is intermittent apparently, backed up by the Mother In Law and as she 'knows her car' covering 12000 plus miles a year in it, I believe she does...she just can't explain it

Being ever protective over the dogs, (I won't give the choice "It's me or the dogs...as I know the answer) is still not confident in driving the 300 miles home on a busy M5...(Wife + Dog + Puppy + Mother In Law + Hard Shoulder....will = My Fault!) so I've decided to go down early hours, with tools, and swap cars, hopefully drop it into Buckshot's recommended garage 1st thing for a check over, prior to heading back 'oop north'

I'll keep you posted but again, Many thanks for the support

Having had a 2:30am start and driven the 550 mile round trip to Somerset and back, half of it in the freelander, all seems well with the TD4.
As it was persisting down when I got there and the bonnet up, I didn't get too oily or underneath, but It sounds very much like a loose heat-shield resonating at low revs, or possible the back two 'fiddly' allen bolts on the air filter housing? As the revs pick up, it subsides. A quick test drive confirmed buckshots diagnosis of nothing serious so all's well. Closer inspection when I wake up a bit. To be fair to the Mrs, it did make a racket when at the 'right' revs ....and I'm up to my ears now in Browny Points :)

Heading up to Perthshire North of the Border on Friday, so here's hoping I don't need to use the 'international rescue service' Highlands division

Thanks again to blue beasty and Buckshot

Having had a 2:30am start and driven the 550 mile round trip to Somerset and back, half of it in the freelander, all seems well with the TD4.
As it was persisting down when I got there and the bonnet up, I didn't get too oily or underneath, but It sounds very much like a loose heat-shield resonating at low revs, or possible the back two 'fiddly' allen bolts on the air filter housing? As the revs pick up, it subsides. A quick test drive confirmed buckshots diagnosis of nothing serious so all's well. Closer inspection when I wake up a bit. To be fair to the Mrs, it did make a racket when at the 'right' revs ....and I'm up to my ears now in Browny Points :)

Heading up to Perthshire North of the Border on Friday, so here's hoping I don't need to use the 'international rescue service' Highlands division

Thanks again to blue beasty and Buckshot


Glad all's well, Buckys the man.....I just made a few calls.

Sometimes all it takes is someone with an eye (or ear) for mechanics to pop round. If you don't know, you don't and getting stuck on the side of the Mway is never much fun
glad all is well bud dont try to shoot the messenger if i got it wrong and you did'nt make it home o_O lol

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