doug le francais

New Member
I bought my dream car in the UK (a 2007 Defender 90) with a view to importing it to France. We did all the checks, AA test etc..
Got it here and started the procedure (Controle Technique, Insurance etc) , and now LandRover Jaguar won't give us a Certificate of Conformity, saying that it is not as built, despite the fact that it is as it came out of the factory. They also won't / can't tell us how they know that, or in what way to might have been changed. We might assume that it has been changed and then changed back, but are just guessing.
They have offered us a Date of Build letter, but that won't give us the detail a CoC will.
I am thinking we will have to go via DREAL, but wondered it anyone had any advice / experience to share with us?
The VIN number is coded to identify the body type, engine, and other details when it left the factory. Search on here, or google for codes. That should help you to identify any major changes.
Hi, thanks peeps!
I have now tried LandRover France, after DREAL told me that I couldn't just rock up and ask for an inspection without a certificate of non-conformity which I need to get from LandRover France.
So am on with that now, for another 220 euros! They were very clear and helpful.
I'm hopeful that (apart from the wheels) it conforms to how it came out of the factory, although I think it has been changed and changed back.
is it a standard defender or is there a big gun sticking out the top of it?? Sometimes here In france it depends on who you speak too and on what day!!! Flipping annoying, a friend of mine went to Mr bricolarge for a generic satellite receiver only to be told they DONT exist in France, bricomarche sold him one for 40€...
we bought a chrysler voyager, french model. The prefecture wanted the original certificate from chrysler when it was sold in 97'? It was ten years old at the time!!! There are some idiots about... Keep pushing on with this. Try angloinfo for more info as well! Good luck.
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Sorry this may be a little late but this is the guy I found at Land Rover Paris who was very helpfull and sorted out my COC. Not free I'm afraid and as it was 6 years ago he may well not be the right guy anymore.


> Message Received: Jan 03 2011, 10:38 AM
> From: "Boutonnet, David" <>
> To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc:
> Subject: homologation land rover
> --
> Service Homologation
> 34 rue de la croix de fer
> CS 70337
> Ligne Directe : 01 61 01 68 61
> Fax : 01 61 01 68 96
> Email :
I bought my dream car in the UK (a 2007 Defender 90) with a view to importing it to France. We did all the checks, AA test etc..
Got it here and started the procedure (Controle Technique, Insurance etc) , and now LandRover Jaguar won't give us a Certificate of Conformity, saying that it is not as built, despite the fact that it is as it came out of the factory. They also won't / can't tell us how they know that, or in what way to might have been changed. We might assume that it has been changed and then changed back, but are just guessing.
They have offered us a Date of Build letter, but that won't give us the detail a CoC will.
I am thinking we will have to go via DREAL, but wondered it anyone had any advice / experience to share with us?

Doug le francais, how'd you go int he end with your dream car relocation? Was you trip to LRFrance successful after DREAL?

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