
Active Member
Just a quick hello from another newbie, i can't stay and chat too long for now got a lot of fixing & welding to do so we can have some fun in the rangie soon. always wanted a landy of some kind but only recently found a good enough excuse to get one :) got a 93' rr lse
bye for now
Welcome fella, tough skin a sense of humour is what ya need in here, if ya gonna survive :)

Oh yeah and ignore the prick above me, he's a bit of a twot, talks bollocks most...... no all of the time :rolleyes:
Welcome fella, tough skin a sense of humour is what ya need in here, if ya gonna survive :)

Oh yeah and ignore the prick above me, he's a bit of a twot, talks bollocks most...... no all of the time :rolleyes:

True on both counts :D :D :D :D
Welcome mate, I'm a newbie myself but feel well at home here, get it wrong and they'll take the ****, get it right and they'll still take the ****, my sort of place. :cool: :cool:
sorry for not getting back to you sooner fellas, this is the first chance i've had to get back and reply, thanks to all of you for the kind introduction, just let me know when i'm allowed to start taking the **** :) it's 1:08 am and i'm still in the workshop! just about to empty my trusty henry hoover as it's completely full of what once used to be a rangie floorpan and sills:eek: problem is that's just what fell off getting the ratty side steps off and having a quick prod! never mind, i got some bargain front inner wings at newbury the other week and apart from a few sheets of steel i should be less rusty soon! bloody hope so i want to get the old girl out in the mud before the missus starts asking for xmas pressie money for the kids :D

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