Aye you lot are so fickle....a lady joins the forum and oh hello how you doing!!!! stop being so bloody sexist:eek:
i'd hope not mad hat man i'm a bloke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............only havin a whind up
Oi you lot, I saw her first so back off or I'll set the Beast of Bodmin on ya!
just coz yu got ya tin cans workin agin!

yu keep ya "beast" well away from me - yu know wot happened to Porky!;)

yu mustnt be sexist, Trewy - it upsets sum peeps - and Grunt has gorn quiet agin - stop lurkin' Grunt:D
oooohhhh .......Mrs. Ming's Dungeon...... I'm gettin all hot under the collar now!
Want being quiet. I'm trying to bung some pics in the gallery but don't seem to be able to lots at once been doing them one at a time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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