
New Member
Just though i would say hello, Been looking around the forum for a few weeks now.

Just bought my self a Series III Diesel from Ebay for £250 :) . I've had to installed new pistons and rings as the old pistons were cracked :( , Could have done with a rebore but it's gone back togeather ok and is working fine (Should last another 10K miles or so).

I live in Cannock staffordshire, Not sure where to go round here for off roading or green landing. So anyway out over the next few weekends let me know as i've not been off road before.

Anyway, Sorry to go on...

Hope to be meeting a few of you soon,

Hi andy hows loopyloo... welcome to the funny farm...not in your area but good luck chap...p.s tell teddy hes a basket case...regards cartman690...:D
hello Andy Pandy,

think Caz8695 is in your area, so she might be able to help you with the offroading and green laning round that area.

hope you have fun with your series :D
Hello Andy Pandy,
Let's hope you can come out to play.
There are loads of places to Greenlane, etc. around Cannock
Hi Andy

Bettyblue's right I am in your area but don't know any lanes round here. I've been into Wales a few times & am a member of another club with a local meet. They organise outings fairly regularly - if I hear anything I'll let you know

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